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Battle Commander - Hachibushuu, Shura No Heihou
Battle Commander - Hachibushuu, Shura No Heihou - Super Nintendo - Console Nintendo
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Battle Commander - Hachibushuu, Shura No Heihou
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   Japon Battle Commander : Hachibushu Shura no Heihou
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Japon 29/12/1991
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Allemand Battle Commander: Hachibushu Shura no Heihou ist ein weiteres Spiel in der Compati Hero Series von Banpresto, das sich auf Kämpfe zwischen Charakteren aus den Universen Gundam, Ultraman und Kamen Rider konzentriert. Die ersten beiden Super Famicom-Spiele dieser Serie, SD Great Battle und Battle Dodgeball, waren ein Plattform-/Schlägerspiel bzw. ein Dodgeball-Spiel. Battle Commander ähnelt eher einem 4X-Strategiespiel wie Famicom/Advance Wars oder Military Madness. Spieler entwickeln und bilden ihre eigene Truppe, rekrutieren Einheiten, erweitern ihr Territorium und beseitigen alle Widerstände, indem sie ihre Basis mit überwältigender Kraft zerstören.
Anglais Battle Commander: Hachibushu Shura no Heihou is another game in Banpresto's Compati Hero Series, focusing on battles between characters from the Gundam, Ultraman and Kamen Rider universes. The first two Super Famicom games in this series, SD Great Battle and Battle Dodgeball, were a platformer/brawler and a dodgeball game respectively. Battle Commander more closely resembles a 4X strategy game such as Famicom/Advance Wars or Military Madness. Players develop and build their side, recruit units, expand their territory and eliminate all opposition by destroying their base with overwhelming force.
Espagnol Battle Commander: Hachibushu Shura no Heihou es otro juego de la serie Compati Hero de Banpresto, que se centra en batallas entre personajes de los universos Gundam, Ultraman y Kamen Rider. Los primeros dos juegos de Super Famicom en esta serie, SD Great Battle y Dodgeball Battle, fueron un juego de plataforma / peleador y un juego de dodgeball respectivamente. Battle Commander se acerca más al juego de estrategia 4X como Famicom / Advance Wars o Military Madness. Los jugadores desarrollan y construyen su lado, reclutando unidades, expandiendo su territorio y destruyéndolos destruyendo su base con una fuerza abrumadora.
Français Battle Commander est un jeu de stratégie en temps réel. Vous devez choisir entre 3 tribu. Vous arrivez alors sur une carte vue du ciel, l'écran étant centré sur votre base militaire. Vous pouvez vous déplacer à l'aide d'un curseur pour visualiser le terrain de jeu, et notamment les deux bases ennemies. Vous pouvez créer des unités de robots,commandants ou simple soldats.Le temps de jeu est chronométré.
Italien Battle Commander è un gioco di strategia in tempo reale. Devi scegliere tra 3 tribù. Arrivi quindi su una mappa vista dal cielo, lo schermo è centrato sulla tua base militare. Puoi muoverti con l'aiuto di un cursore per visualizzare il campo di gioco, comprese le due basi nemiche. Puoi creare unità di robot, comandanti o semplici soldati. Il tempo di gioco è cronometrato.
Portugais Battle Commander: Hachibushu Shura no Heihou é outro jogo da série Compati Hero da Banpresto, que se concentra em batalhas entre personagens dos universos Gundam, Ultraman e Kamen Rider. Os dois primeiros jogos para Super Famicom desta série, SD Great Battle e Dodgeball Battle, foram um jogo de plataforma/lutador e um jogo de queimada, respectivamente. O Battle Commander assemelha-se mais a um jogo de estratégia em 4x, como Advance Wars ou Military Madness. Os jogadores desenvolvem e constroem seu lado, recrutando unidades, expandindo seu território e destruindo as bases de seus inimigos com força esmagadora.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .