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Game no Tetsujin - The Shanghai
Game no Tetsujin - The Shanghai - Super Nintendo - Console Nintendo
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Game no Tetsujin - The Shanghai
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   Japon Game no Tetsujin : The Shanghai
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Asiatic board game
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Japon 13/10/1995
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Allemand Game no Tatsujin: The Shanghai ist ein Mahjong-Spiel, das auf Super NES veröffentlicht wurde. In dieser App können Sie verschiedene Modi spielen, die alle berühmten Mahjong-Münzen verwenden. Dabei handelt es sich nur um die alleine spielbaren Spielvarianten, Sie müssen die identischen Teile zwei für zwei eliminieren, bis das Brett vollständig entleert ist.
Anglais Game no Tetsujin: The Shanghai (Iron Man Game: The Shanghai) is a puzzle/board game based on Shanghai, or mahjong solitaire. It was released exclusively in Japan. The game features 3 different modes: Classic "Shanghai" Mahjong Solitaire, where the player can remove any two tiles as long as they match and both have a free horizontal side and aren't trapped with a piece on top; "Chinhai" or "Sichuan" Mahjong Solitaire, where the player can only remove paired tiles if they can be connected with an invisible line that bends at a 90 degree angle two times or fewer. This mode features stacked tiles, unusual for games with this variant, but has the benefit of instantly removing any paired tiles that are touching;

A unique block-pushing mode where the player has an avatar and must make their way to the exit of the board by pushing certain mahjong tiles. When a mahjong tile connects to another like it, both tiles vanish. If it connects to a different tile, it'll change to that tile. Some tiles cannot be pushed, and if a pushable tile connects to one, it too will be immovable and the player may end up trapped. They do not have to remove all the tiles on the board - the only goal is to reach the end. The game's story mode alternates through these three modes, and the player can also play any of the three modes directly from the main menu.
Espagnol Juego no Tatsujin: The Shanghai es un juego de Mahjong lanzado en Super NES. En esta aplicación podrás jugar diferentes modos que usan todas las famosas monedas de Mahjong. Estas son solo variaciones del juego jugable solo, eliminarás las piezas idénticas de dos en dos, hasta que la bandeja se vacíe por completo.
Français Game no Tatsujin : The Shanghai est un jeu de Mahjong sorti sur Super NES. Dans ce soft il vous sera possible de jouer à différents modes qui utilisent tous les célèbres pièces du Mahjong. Il ne s'agit là que des variantes de jeu jouable à seul, il vous faudra éliminer les pièces identiques deux par deux, jusqu'à ce que le plateau soit totalement vidé.
Italien Game No Tatsujin: The Shanghai è un gioco Mahjong pubblicato su Super NES. In questa applicazione puoi giocare a diverse modalità che utilizzano tutte le famose monete Mahjong. Queste sono solo varianti del gioco giocabili da sole, rimuoverai i pezzi identici a due a due, fino a quando il vassoio non sarà completamente svuotato.
Portugais Game no Tatsujin: The Shanghai é um jogo de Mahjong lançado no Super NES. Neste aplicativo você poderá jogar diferentes modos que utilizam todas as famosas moedas de Mahjong. Estas são apenas variações do jogo jogável sozinho, você eliminará as peças idênticas duas a duas, até que a bandeja fique completamente vazia.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .