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Joushou Mahjong Tenpai
Joushou Mahjong Tenpai - Super Nintendo - Console Nintendo
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Joushou Mahjong Tenpai
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   Japon Joushou Mahjong Tenpai
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Asiatic board game
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Japon 29/09/1995
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Allemand Game Arts ist vor allem für seine RPG-Serien Lunar und Grandia bekannt. Man sollte wissen, dass der Entwickler auch eine gute Anzahl von Mahjong-Simulationen für das japanische Publikum erstellt hat, von denen dieser Joushou Mahjong Tenpai ein Beispiel ist. Ein Spiel, das angesichts der Konkurrenz nicht besonders glänzt, aber dank seiner Kompatibilität mit dem Satellaview bei den japanischen Nutzern ein gewisses Interesse hatte.
Anglais Joushou Mahjong Tenpai ("Heavenly Tiles of Invincible Mahjong", roughly) is a mahjong game for the Super Famicom with the developer/publisher team of Game Arts and Enix, both companies better known for their RPG series. Joushou Mahjong Tenpai would be the only Super Famicom/SNES game Game Arts created.

As well as allowing the player to take on the CPU for various mahjong sessions, the game has a plethora of advanced tactics and advice for would-be mahjong masters.
Espagnol Debes saber que el desarrollador también ha creado muchas simulaciones de mahjong para el público japonés, incluido este Joushou Mahjong Tenpai como ejemplo. Un juego que no brilla especialmente frente a la competencia, pero que, gracias a su compatibilidad con Satellaview, gozó de cierto interés entre los usuarios japoneses.
Français Game Arts est surtout connu pour ses séries de RPG Lunar et Grandia. Il faut savoir que le développeur a également créé bon nombres de simulations de mahjong pour le public japonais, dont ce Joushou Mahjong Tenpai constitue un exemple. Un jeu qui ne brille pas particulièrement, face à la concurrence, mais qui, grâce à sa compatibilité avec le Satellaview, bénéficiait d'un certain intérêt auprès des utilisateurs japonais.
Italien Dovresti sapere che lo sviluppatore ha anche creato molte simulazioni di mahjong per il pubblico giapponese, incluso questo Joushou Mahjong Tenpai come esempio. Un gioco che non brilla soprattutto contro la concorrenza, ma che, grazie alla sua compatibilità con Satellaview, ha riscosso un certo interesse tra gli utenti giapponesi.
Portugais Joushou Mahjong Tenpai é um jogo de mahjong para a Super Famicom com a equipa de criadores/editores da Game Arts e da Enix, ambas empresas mais conhecidas pelas suas séries de RPG. Joushou Mahjong Tenpai foi o único jogo para Super Famicom/SNES criado pela Game Arts.

Além de permitir ao jogador enfrentar o Computador (CPU) em várias sessões de mahjong, o jogo contém uma grande quantidade de tácticas avançadas e conselhos para futuros mestres de mahjong.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .