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Kikuni Masahiko No Jantoushi Doraou
Kikuni Masahiko No Jantoushi Doraou - Super Nintendo - Console Nintendo
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Kikuni Masahiko No Jantoushi Doraou
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   Japon Kikuni Masahiko no Jantoushi Doraou
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Asiatic board game
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Japon 19/02/1993
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Allemand Kikuni Masahiko no Jantoushi Dora Ou ist ein Eins-zu-Eins-Mahjong-Spiel, gepaart mit einem Story-Modus, in dem die Interaktivität darauf beschränkt ist, während der Dialoge einige Entscheidungen zu treffen. Du wirst dich einem Charakter stellen müssen, dem du unterwegs in einem Mahjong-Spiel begegnet. Einige Gegner scheinen mit magischen Kräften ausgestattet zu sein, die sie während der Spiele beschwören, um zum Beispiel ihre Fliesen zu wechseln.
Anglais Overview

Unleash your mahjong power!!!
Jantoushi Doraou is a simple mahjong game for the Super Famicom. It features a wide variety of strange and ridiculous characters and is largely comical in nature. It follows typical Japanese mahjong rules, although there are a few exceptions (mentioned below). Many characters are also capable of performing special attacks when their "cosmo" meter is full; these attacks can have many different incarnations, from simply beating the opponent unconscious for a win (surprisingly ineffective) to instantly getting a ron. The game also features a password feature which allows players to save their progress.


The player assumes the role of the titular Jantoushi Doraou, a master mahjong Saint who resides in Sanctuary and is committed to protecting the goddess Atenaide. Unfortunately, the villainous Mahjong warlock Jankou invades Sanctuary and seemingly kidnaps Atenaide! It's Doraou's duty to rescue her from the clutches of this fiend, and he sets off on a journey to gather the other Mahjong Saints and journey to Jankou's castle to rescue her. This journey winds through a number of towers with guardians based on the Chinese Zodiac; this is a direct parody of Saint Seiya, where the Gold Saints are based off of the Greco-Roman zodiac.
Espagnol Kikuni Masahiko no Jantoushi Dora Ou es un juego de Mahjong uno a uno, junto con un modo historia en el que la interactividad se limita a tomar algunas decisiones durante los diálogos. Te enfrentarás con un personaje encontrado en el camino en un juego de Mahjong. Algunos oponentes parecen tener poderes mágicos que invocan durante los juegos para cambiar sus fichas, por ejemplo.
Français Kikuni Masahiko no Jantoushi Dora Ou est un jeu de Mahjong en un contre un, doublé d'un mode story dans lequel l'interactivité est limité à faire quelques choix lors des dialogues. Vous serez amené à affronter un personnage rencontré en route dans une partie de Mahjong. Certains adversaires semblent dotés de pouvoirs magiques qu'ils invoquent pendant les parties pour changer leurs tuiles par exemple.
Italien Kikuni Masahiko no Jantoushi Dora Ou è un gioco Mahjong uno contro uno, accoppiato con una modalità storia in cui l'interattività è limitata a fare alcune scelte durante i dialoghi. Dovrai affrontare un personaggio incontrato sulla strada in una partita di Mahjong. Alcuni avversari sembrano avere poteri magici che invocano durante le partite per cambiare le loro tessere, ad esempio.
Portugais Kikuni Masahiko no Jantoushi Dora Ou é um jogo de Mahjong um contra um, junto com um modo história em que a interatividade se limita à tomada de algumas decisões durante os diálogos. Você enfrentará um personagem encontrado ao longo do caminho em um jogo de Mahjong. Alguns adversários parecem ter poderes mágicos que invocam durante os jogos para mudar as suas peças, por exemplo.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .