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720 Degrees
720 Degrees - Atari Classics - Arcade Atari
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720 Degrees
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Monde 720°
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Sports / Skateboard
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Monde 01/12/1986
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Anglais A one or two-player arcade game with players taking on the role of a skateboarder, and must perform various tricks and maneuvers to earn the points and tickets needed to compete for medals in the game's numerous skate parks.

The bulk of the action takes place in a 'Skate City', a small urban area made up of ramps, jumps and hazards. Players can skate anywhere they wish as they perform the tricks and jumps needed to reach the score thresholds that will earn them entry tickets to Skate City's skate parks to compete for medals and cash prizes.

Each score threshold must be reached and a park entered within a tight time limit. Failure to do so sees the skater persued by a swarm of bees and the words SKATE OR DIE appear. Should the bees touch the skater before he enters a park, the game ends. Skate City's roads and pavements are populated with moving traffic and pedestrians and any collision with them will result in the skater being knocked from his board, costing the player precious seconds.

The parks themselves each feature one of four different disciplines: Slalom, Jump, Downhill and Ramp. Each park has a timer and players can earn either a bronze, silver or gold medal - together with a cash prize - depending on how quickly the park is completed. If the park target score or finish line is not reached before the timer expires, no medal or money is awarded.

Money won can be used to buy equipment upgrades from the stalls that litter Skate City. Players can buy upgraded boards, helmets, pads and shoes. Boards give faster speed; helmets allow for more risky maneuvers; pads give a faster recovery from falls and shoes provide more height on jumps, as well as giving a quicker standing start.

At the start of each new game, players can select from one of two play modes. 'Training Level' is available for beginners and gives players numerous playing hints and tips. 'Experienced Level' is more challenging as well as offering fewer hints. It does, however, include the 'add-a-coin' feature, which allows for awards and items already won to be carried over to a new game.

The main objective is to compete in as many skate parks as possible. There are numerous city hazards to be avoided, such as BMX riders, cars, Frisbee throwers and other skaters. To guide the player around Skate City are map tiles. Riding over one of these will temporaily pause the action and display the layout of the city, including the locations of the skate parks and equipment stalls.

Espagnol El juego nos pone en la piel de un intrépido aficionado al skateboard que vive en Skate City. Inicialmente comenzaremos con una cantidad de tickets que podremos usar para poder realizar eventos, los cuales se encuentran en distintos puntos de la ciudad. Para llegar hasta ellos iremos rulando por el barrio y podremos realizar toda una serie de trucos sobre el mobiliario urbano, lo que nos permitirá acumular puntos y conseguir nuevos tickets.
Français C'est juste vous, votre skateboard et cent dollars en poche. Sautez, slidez, tournez et traversez quatre niveaux de difficulté, récupérez l'argent au sol, gagnez de l'argent à travers des événements et, enfin, gagnez un billet à l'un des gros skateparks. Si vous avez de la chance, vous obtiendrez de l'équipement pour rendre votre skateur le plus cool possible !
Italien Il gioco ci mette nei panni di un intrepido skateboarder che vive a Skate City. Inizialmente inizieremo con un numero di biglietti che possiamo utilizzare per organizzare eventi, che si trovano in diverse parti della città. Per raggiungerli andremo in giro per il quartiere e potremo eseguire tutta una serie di trucchi sull'arredo urbano, che ci permetteranno di accumulare punti e ottenere nuovi biglietti.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .