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Alien Arena
Alien Arena - Midway Classics - Arcade Midway
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General Information
Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
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Alien Arena
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Monde Alien Arena
Information Proposed by
Duncan Brown
Information Proposed by
Duncan Brown
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Action / Labyrinth
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Regions Information Proposed by
Monde 1985
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Anglais Player 1 (Thor) and Player 2 (Zespar) are battling it out in the Alien Arena. The game is timed, with 2 minutes for every 25 cents inserted, regardless of your choice of 1-player or 2-player. More time can be purchased at any time before the timer reads ':00'.

In a 1-player game you are Thor, with controls on the right, and the computer plays Zespar, on the left. In a 2-player game each of you chooses a set of controls. When time runs out in either game, it reverts to a "play as long as you can keep alive and possibly winning extra lives" 1-player game. If it started as a 2-player game, whoever is winning when time runs out is the one who gets to battle the computer.

The basic theme of the game is "capture the flag (while protecting your own)". You can assemble offensive and defensive aids by picking up 'pieces' strewn about your half of the playfield. The pieces are color-coded, randomly created and distributed, and different objects require different numbers of pieces to assemble. Once you start assembling an object, you must finish assembling it (pick up enough pieces for it) and place it... or 'flush' the pieces you've picked up so far. Flush is mostly used for when you accidentally picked up the wrong color piece... or when you don't have the required pieces to assemble the rest of the object. A status bar shows what object is under construction, and how many more pieces are needed. Only one object can be assembled at a time. Once it is assembled, you must carry it to where you want to place or launch it and press the 'place' button.

There is a delay at the beginning of each round before the flags appear, and then a further delay before the midfield barrier comes down. Use this time to start assembling an offense or defense or both (this keeps the opponent from just starting each round by making a suicide dash for your flag). When the flags do appear, their placement is random, but within a small distance from the back wall of your half of the arena.

A round ends when an opposing flag is captured by a player, or when a player is destroyed by one of his opponent's offensive or defensive objects. There are all sorts of nuances to how the objects behave, how they score, etc.
Espagnol El jugador 1 (Thor) y el jugador 2 (Zespar) están luchando en el Alien Arena. El juego está cronometrado, con 2 minutos por cada 25 centavos insertados, independientemente de su elección de 1 o 2 jugadores. Se puede comprar más tiempo en cualquier momento antes de que el temporizador indique': 00'.

En un juego para 1 jugador eres Thor, con controles a la derecha y el ordenador juega Zespar, a la izquierda. En un juego para 2 jugadores, cada uno de ustedes elige un juego de controles. Cuando el tiempo se agota en cualquiera de los dos juegos, vuelve a "jugar mientras puedas mantenerte con vida y posiblemente ganar vidas extra" juego de 1 jugador. Si comienza como un juego de 2 jugadores, el que gana cuando se acaba el tiempo es el que llega a la batalla contra el ordenador.
Français Le joueur 1 (Thor) et le joueur 2 (Zespar) s'affrontent dans l'Alien Arena. Le jeu est chronométré, avec 2 minutes par crédit. Il est possible d'ajouter du temps supplémentaire à tout moment.
C'est un gameplay de type CTF (capture the flag). Vous pouvez assembler des aides offensives et défensives en ramassant des pièces éparpillées sur votre moitié du terrain de jeu. Un seul objet peut être assemblé à la fois. Une fois l'assemblage commencé, vous devez terminer l'objet en ramassant les pièces de même couleur puis le placer. Vous pouvez interrompre une construction avec le bouton Flush.
Les drapeaux n'apparaissent qu'après un certain temps, de même que la disparition de la barrière médiane. Utilisez ce temps pour organiser une attaque, une défense, ou les deux.
Un tour se termine lorsqu'un drapeau adverse est capturé par un joueur, ou lorsqu'un joueur est détruit par l'un des objets offensifs ou défensifs de son adversaire.
General Information
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .