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Amidar - Konami Classics - Arcade Konami
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Monde Amidar
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Action / Labyrinth
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Monde 1982
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Anglais Amidar is an abstract arcade game in which players must 'colour in' all of the rectangles on the screen. Each level has a number of patrolling enemies called 'Amidars' that must be avoided but players are aided in their task with the inclusion of a JUMP button which, when used, causes all the on-screen enemies to jump, giving the player time to escape. There are only three 'jumps' given per level, however.

On odd-numbered levels, the player's character is a gorilla who eats coconuts; on even-numbered levels, it's a paint roller. The game's enemy Amidars are savages and pigs respectively. Whenever a rectangular portion of the board is cleared (either by collecting all surrounding coconuts, or painting all surrounding edges), the rectangle is coloured in and on the even levels, bonus points are awarded, while on the odd-numbered levels, points are awarded for each coconut eaten.

If players manage to fill in all four corner rectangles of a board, they are briefly able to kill the enemies by touching them (similar to the 'Power-pill' from Namco's Pac-Man series). Enemies killed in this way fall to the bottom of the screen and recover after a few seconds.

On the even-numbered paint roller levels, the roller cannot move too far from grid rectangles that have already been filled without running out of paint and having to return to completed parts of the map to refresh its supply. When this happens, any painted lines that are not part of a filled rectangle will vanish and must be painted again. This means that the player must build their completed squares around the starting point of the level and spread outwards, rather than completing squares on any part of the board as they can on the odd-numbered Gorilla levels. This makes filling in the corner rectangles to become invincible much more difficult.

In between levels players are given the possibility of earning 5,000 bonus points. Here, an Amidar moves across the top of the screen, by pushing the jump button the Amidar traces a random path down towards the bottom of the screen. If the Amidar reaches a bunch of bananas, a bonus is awarded.
Espagnol Amidar es un juego tipo Pac-Man. El objetivo del juego es colorear los rectángulos que aparecen en la pantalla, evitando a los enemigos (Amidars). El juego ofrece tres saltos sobre los enemigos, para evitar situaciones comprometidas. Completar los rectángulos de las esquinas permite "cazar" a los enemigos.
El juego diferencia pantallas pares e impares:
- Impares: Se controla un gorila y los enemigos son soldados. Hay que acabar con todos los puntos. Los rectángulos se colorean cuando se han eliminado todos los puntos del rectángulo.
- Pares: Se controla una brocha y los enemigos son cerdos. Para colorear un rectángulo, hay que recorrer su perímetro en un solo recorrido.
- También existen pantallas de bonus.
Français Amidar, c'est un peu comme si Pac-Man rencontrait Qix : le but est de repeindre des rectangles prédéfinis là où dans Qix le joueur était libre de dessiner ses formes peintes.
Dans le premier niveau, on dirige un gorille qui collecte en chemin des pastilles tout en repeignant les cases et en évitant des personnages armés d'une lance. S'il peint les quatre coins de l'aire de jeu, il devient invulnérable pendant un moment. Suivent ensuite un niveau bonus et le second niveau qui se corse. En effet, le rouleau de peinture qu'on dirige alors ne peut peindre que des cases adjacentes à celles déjà peintes. Le jeu se répète au-delà de ce 2ème niveau.
Sympathique surtout pour ses mélodies.
Italien Amidar è un incrocio tra Pacman e Qix: lo scopo del gioco è di riempire i vari rettangoli presenti sullo schermo dipingendone i quattro lati ed evitando i nemici (gli Amidar) che si muovono sullo schermo con un pattern di movimento caratteristico. Il giocatore può usare per tre volte il pulsante di fuoco per far saltare i nemici ed evitare di essere colpito.
Portugais Amidar é um jogo de arcade abstrato no qual os jogadores devem 'colorir' todos os retângulos da tela. Cada nível tem vários inimigos de patrulha chamados 'Amidars' que devem ser evitados, mas os jogadores são auxiliados em sua tarefa com a inclusão de um botão JUMP que, quando usado, faz com que todos os inimigos na tela pulem, dando tempo ao jogador para escapar. Existem apenas três 'saltos' dados por nível, no entanto.

Em níveis ímpares, o personagem do jogador é um gorila que come cocos; em níveis pares, é um rolo de pintura. Os inimigos Amidars do jogo são selvagens e porcos, respectivamente. Sempre que uma parte retangular do tabuleiro é limpa (coletando todos os cocos circundantes ou pintando todas as bordas circundantes), o retângulo é colorido nos níveis pares e iguais, pontos de bônus são concedidos, enquanto nos níveis ímpares, os pontos são concedido por cada coco consumido.

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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .