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Anteater - Konami Classics - Arcade Konami
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Monde Anteater
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Tago Electronics
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Tago Electronics
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Action / Labyrinth
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Monde 1982
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Anglais Anteater is an abstract maze game in which the player controls an anteater that elongates its tongue through maze-like anthills eating ants and ant larvae. The object of the game is to eat all of the larvae - represented as round dots - before the timer runs out. Once all larvae have been eaten, play moves onto the next stage.

Players can only eat ants with the tip of the anteater's tongue, if an ant touches any other part of the tongue, the anteater is bitten and a player life is lost. As well as the ants, worms also roam the stages, worms will not harm the anteater upon contact with the extended tongue but if the head of the worm touches the tongue's tip, the player loses a life. Worms can be safely eaten from behind.

Large queen ants are situated at the bottom of the nest and eating these will temporarily clear all insects from the screen.

Anteater has a short day-night cycle represented by a moving Sun at the top of the screen. Once the sun has traveled across the screen and night falls, a spider will appear. The spider climbs down the anteater's tongue, taking a life if it reaches the tongue's tip. The spider can only be killed by eating a queen ant.
Espagnol El jugador controla un oso hormiguero que extiende su probóscide para comer hormigas en los hormigueros. Solo puede devorarlas con la punta de la probóscide, ya que si una hormiga muerde otra parte, se pierde una vida. Pulsando un botón, la probóscide se retrae rápidamente.

Los gusanos no hacen daño si se comen por detrás, pero atacar su cabeza resulta en la pérdida de una vida. Comer hormigas reina despeja temporalmente la pantalla de enemigos. Cuando cae la noche, aparece una araña que desciende por la probóscide y toma una vida si alcanza la punta.

El objetivo es comer todas las larvas antes de que se acabe el tiempo. Las larvas valen 10 puntos, las hormigas 100, y los gusanos 200 puntos, además de multiplicar la puntuación de las hormigas. Las reinas otorgan 1,000 puntos.
Français On ne peut pas dire que le sujet n'est pas original. Vous pilotez la langue d'un fourmilier à la recherche de points roses façon Pacman. Pour compliquer les choses :
-> il faut attraper les fourmis par le bout de la langue (vert)
-> si les fourmis touchent la langue rose vous perdez
-> si vous touchez un ver ou une araignée avec le bout de la langue vous perdez
-> si vous touchez une des deux fourmis immobiles tout en bas, l'écran est nettoyé des bestioles
-> la langue ne passe pas deux fois dans la même galerie

On peut appuyer sur le bouton pour faire revenir la langue vers soi.
Il n'y a pas de musique d'ambiance, juste des bruits type beep années 80's.

Idée amusante mais franchement c'est un jeu tordu : on se retrouve vite dans des "dead locks" avec aucune chance de survie quoi que l'on fasse. A éviter pour ceux qui supportent mal la frustration.

Italien Anteater è un gioco a labirinto astratto in cui il giocatore controlla un formichiere che allunga la lingua attraverso un formicaio per cibarsi di formiche e larve di formica. Lo scopo del gioco è quello di mangiare tutte le larve - rappresentate come punti rotondi - prima che scada il tempo. Una volta che tutte le larve sono state mangiate, il gioco passa alla fase successiva.

I giocatori possono mangiare le formiche solo con la punta della lingua del formichiere, se una formica tocca qualsiasi altra parte della lingua, il formichiere viene morso e il giocatore perde una vita. Oltre alle formiche, anche i vermi vagano per i livelli, i vermi non danneggeranno il formichiere al contatto con la lingua estesa, ma se la testa del verme tocca la punta della lingua, il giocatore perde una vita. I vermi possono essere tranquillamente mangiati da dietro.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .