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Tournament Arkanoid
Tournament Arkanoid - Taito Classics - Arcade Taito
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Tournament Arkanoid
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Monde Tournament Arkanoid
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Action / Breakout games
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Monde 1987
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Allemand Tournament Arkanoid was released in January 1987 in the USA. It was licensed to Romstar. Tournament Arkanoid is more of an upgrade than an actual sequel. The game play is 100% identical to the original. The only thing different is that all 32 stages have completely different arrangements of blocks. The layout of level 2 is a drawing of the US flag, with the stars represented by silver blocks. The layout of level 4 is a drawing of Chack'n from "Chack'n Pop". Chack'n's eyes are made out of indestructible gold blocks.
The game does not appear to have been distributed anywhere else in the world but the U.S. Tournament Arkanoid was also never ported to any home system.
Anglais Tournament Arkanoid was released in January 1987 in the USA. It was licensed to Romstar. Tournament Arkanoid is more of an upgrade than an actual sequel. The game play is 100% identical to the original. The only thing different is that all 32 stages have completely different arrangements of blocks. The layout of level 2 is a drawing of the US flag, with the stars represented by silver blocks. The layout of level 4 is a drawing of Chack'n from "Chack'n Pop". Chack'n's eyes are made out of indestructible gold blocks.
The game does not appear to have been distributed anywhere else in the world but the U.S. Tournament Arkanoid was also never ported to any home system.
Espagnol Tournament Arkanoid fue lanzado en enero de 1987 en los Estados Unidos. La licencia fue otorgada a Romstar. Tournament Arkanoid es más bien una actualización que una secuela. El modo de juego es 100% idéntico al juego original. La única diferencia es que todos los 32 niveles tienen una organización diferente de bloques. El diseño del nivel 2 es un dibujo de la bandera de los Estados Unidos, en donde las estrellas estan representadas por bloques de color plata. El diseño del nivel 4 es un dibujo de Chack'n de "Chack'n Pop". Los ojos de Chack'n están hechos de bloques dorados indestructibles. El juego no parece haber sido distribuido en niguna otra parte del mundo aparte de los Estados Unidos. Tournament Arkanoid nunca fué adaptado a ningún sistema de entretenimiento casero.
Français Tournament Arkanoid est une version différente du premier Arkanoid uniquement destinée au marché américain. Le plaisir est intacte et le challenge s'en trouve renouvelé grâce aux tableaux différents de la version originale.Certains nivaux peuvent parfois sembler plus difficiles dans cette version
Italien Tournament Arkanoid è stato rilasciato nel gennaio 1987 negli Stati Uniti. È stato concesso in licenza a Romstar. Tournament Arkanoid è più un aggiornamento che un vero e proprio sequel. Il gioco è identico al 100% all'originale. L'unica cosa diversa è che tutti i 32 livelli hanno una disposizione dei blocchi completamente diversa. Il layout del livello 2 è un disegno della bandiera degli Stati Uniti, con le stelle rappresentate da blocchi d'argento. Il layout del livello 4 è un disegno di Chack'n da "Chack'n Pop". Gli occhi di Chack'n sono fatti di blocchi d'oro indistruttibili.nnIl gioco non sembra essere stato distribuito in nessun'altra parte del mondo, ma anche l'U.S. Tournament Arkanoid non è mai stato portato su nessun sistema domestico.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .