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Arkanoid - Revenge Of Doh
Arkanoid - Revenge Of Doh - Taito Classics - Arcade Taito
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Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
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Arkanoid - Revenge Of Doh
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Monde Arkanoid - Revenge Of Doh
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Action / Breakout games
Release date(s)
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USA 01/06/1987
Japon 01/06/1987
Monde 1987
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Allemand Der mysteriöse Feind, bekannt als "DOH", ist zurückgekehrt, um sich an dem Raumschiff "Vaus" zu rächen. Der Spieler muss wieder einmal die Kontrolle über die Vaus übernehmen und viele Herausforderungen meistern, um DOH ein für alle Mal zu vernichten.

In Revenge of DOH, einer Aktualisierung des beliebten Originals von 1986, kämpft sich der Spieler durch 34 Runden, die aus einer Gesamtzahl von 64 bestehen. Revenge of DOH unterscheidet sich von seinem Vorgänger durch die Einführung von "Warp Gates". Nach Abschluss einer Runde oder wenn die Break-Pille ("B") gefangen wird, erscheinen zwei Tore unten links bzw. unten rechts im Spielfeld. Der Vaus wird dann durch eines der Tore geführt - die Wahl beeinflusst, welche Version der nächsten Runde angeboten wird.
Anglais Arkanoid - Revenge of DOH © 1987 Taito Corp.

The mysterious enemy known as 'DOH' has returned to seek vengeance on the 'Vaus' space vessel. The player must once again take control of the Vaus and overcome many challenges in order to destroy DOH once and for all.

An update of the popular 1986 original, Revenge of DOH sees the player battle through 34 rounds, taken from a grand total of 64. Revenge of DOH differs from its predecessor with the introduction of "Warp Gates". Upon completion of a round or when the Break ('B') pill is caught, two gates appear at the bottom left and bottom right of the play area respectively, the Vaus is then taken through one of the gates - the choice will affect which version of the next round is provided.

The game also features two new features for bricks. Notched silver bricks, like normal silver bricks, take several hits to destroy. However, after a short period of time after destruction, they regenerate at full strength. Fortunately, clearing a level does not require that any notched bricks to be destroyed. Also, some bricks move from side to side as long as their left and/or right sides are not obstructed by other bricks.

The game features a mini-boss in the form of a giant brain, which will help you practice for DOH. You must aim for the brain's mouth to defeat it.
Espagnol Revenge of Doh es una secuela directa de Arkanoid. Junto con un motor gráfico mejorado, mejor sonido y música, mejor soporte de hardware y más niveles, Revenge of Doh también cuenta con un editor integrado y le permite crear sus propios conjuntos de niveles!
Français Le mystérieux ennemi connu sous le nom de DOH revient assouvir sa vengeance sur le vaisseau spatial Vaus. Le joueur doit à nouveau contrôler le Vaus (raquette) et surmonter les épreuves pour détruire DOH une fois pour toutes. Revenge of Doh voit le joueur combattre à travers 34 tours, issus d'un total de 64.
Italien Il misterioso nemico noto come 'DOH' è tornato per cercare di vendicarsi del vascello spaziale 'Vaus'. Il giocatore deve ancora una volta prendere il controllo del Vaus e superare molte sfide per distruggere DOH una volta per tutte.

Aggiornamento del popolare gioco originale del 1986, Revenge of DOH vede il giocatore combattere attraverso 34 round, presi da un totale di 64. Revenge of DOH si differenzia dal suo predecessore per l'introduzione dei "Portali di Teletrasporto". Al completamento di un round o quando viene catturata la pillola Break ('B'), appaiono due portali rispettivamente in basso a sinistra e in basso a destra dell'area di gioco; il Vaus viene quindi portato attraverso uno dei portali - la scelta influenzerà la versione del round successivo.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .