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Athena - SNK Classics - Arcade SNK
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Monde Athena
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Platform / Fighter Scrolling
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Monde 1986
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Allemand In diesem Jump'n'Run-Spiel spielst du Athene, die Göttin der Weisheit, die sich auf ein Abenteuer außerhalb des langweiligen Schlosses begibt, in dem sie lebt. Sie trifft auf viele Feinde, die sie mit verschiedenen Waffen wie einer Kugel, einem Bogen und einem sehr mächtigen Schwert bekämpft. Sie kann sich auch in eine Meerjungfrau verwandeln oder auf Flügeln reiten, um das Meer oder den Himmel zu erforschen.
Anglais This is a pretty hard platform game where you take the role of Athena fighting your way through different worlds inhabited by all kinds of different enemies, ranging from moving pears to huge golems and flying devils.

You start out with nothing more than your feet to fight with and no more protection than Athena's underwear (she actually loses her dress in the intro to the first world) but can collect a huge number of different weapons and armour, as well as a great number of power-ups ranging from the usual more-power-for weapon or armour, through boots that allow her to jump higher and wings for flying, to one where Athena becomes a semi-god and actually growths to twice her usual size and gets a huge burning sword and full armour.

The worlds are filled with stone blocks that can be smashed when searching for secrets and items, as well as several levels connected by ladders or other means of transportation.

Athena is a great game, and will give even the most hardened platform-player a real challenge, for it is NOT an easy game, even with the dip switches in 'Easy' mode.
Espagnol Athena, también conocido como Athena's Wonder Land, es un videojuego de plataformas arcade producido y publicado en 1986 por SNK. Posteriormente fue porteado para la plataforma Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), desarrollado por Micronics. Aunque recibió varias versiones para plataformas hogareñas, solamente la versión de NES fue publicada en occidente, más precisamente la región de América del Norte. Esto permanecería así hasta 2011, cuando el videojuego arcade original fue ofrecido a través de PlayStation Network). De lo contrario, las conversiones se hicieron para el ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64 y Amstrad CPC en 1987 por Ocean Software bajo su etiqueta Imagine.
Français Dans ce jeu de plates-formes, vous incarnez Athéna la déesse de la sagesse qui part à l'aventure en dehors du château ennuyeux où elle vit, elle rencontre de nombreux ennemis qu'elle combat avec diverses armes comme un boulet, un arc et une épée très puissante, elle peut également se transformer en sirène ou monter sur des ailes pour explorer la mer ou les cieux.
Italien Athena, noto anche come Athena's Wonder Land, è un videogioco platform arcade prodotto e pubblicato nel 1986 da SNK. Successivamente è stato portato sulla piattaforma Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), sviluppata da Micronics. Sebbene abbia ricevuto diverse versioni per piattaforme domestiche, solo la versione NES è stata pubblicata in Occidente, più precisamente nella regione nordamericana. Questo sarebbe rimasto fino al 2011, quando il gioco arcade originale è stato offerto tramite PlayStation Network). In caso contrario, le conversioni sono state eseguite per ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64 e Amstrad CPC nel 1987 da Ocean Software sotto la loro etichetta Imagine.
Portugais Athena é um jogo clássico da SNK, cujo personagem principal é uma princesa rebelde baseada na deusa grega de mesmo nome.

A maioria dos elementos do jogo são baseados na mitologia grega e romana.

O jogo também teve versões para NES, ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64 e Amstrad CPC

Ainda que tenham o mesmo nome, a Athena deste jogo não é a mesma do jogo Psycho Soldier (também lançado em 1986) e da série The King of Fighters. Athena Asamiya é, na verdade, a descendente da Athena deste jogo.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .