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Chack'n Pop
Chack'n Pop - Taito Classics - Arcade Taito
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Chack'n Pop
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   Japon Chack'n Pop
Monde Chack'n Pop
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Monde 1983
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Allemand Chack'n Pop ist ein Plattformspiel, bei dem eine rundliche gelbe Kreatur namens Chack'n gegen Monster und Mightas kämpfen muss, um Herzen zurückzuerobern, die während einer romantischen Begegnung mit Miss Chack'n gestohlen wurden.
nnDie Monster in Chack'n Pop selbst schlüpfen aus an der Decke hängenden Eiern und die Mightas schieben einen Stein, der als Timer des Spiels dient. Die Monster-Eier haben drei Phasen: Wenn es blau ist, ist es völlig harmlos, wenn es gelb ist, wird es innerhalb von 10 Sekunden knallen und wenn ein Ei rot wird, wird es fast sofort knallen. Also pass auf in Chack'n Pop.
Anglais Chack'n Pop is considered by many to be the precursor to the venerable game Bubble Bobble. The cast consists of two enemies that would later be seen in Bubble Bobble. Many fans of the Bubble Bobble series may find Chack'n Pop less fun to play due to its high degree of difficulty.

The game puts the player in the role of Mr. Chack'n, who must rescue all of the hearts that were stolen during a romantic interlude between him and Miss Chack'n. Chack is an interesting character with interesting abilities. He can toss two bombs, only one in each direction at a time. He can also effortlessly go from walking on the floor to walking on the ceiling. If the ceiling is low enough, Chack can extend his legs until his head touches the ceiling to immediately begin walking on it.
Espagnol Chack'n Pop es un videojuego publicado por Taito en 1983, considerado como el antepasado de Bubble Bobble. Aunque hoy en día se considera poco conocido.
El objetivo es llegar a la parte superior de la pantalla antes de que se acabe el tiempo. Chack se retrasa en su objetivo por una serie de muros de bloqueo. Para hacer desaparecer estos muros, debe, con la ayuda de sus granadas de mano, liberar los corazones encerrados en jaulas.
Français Chack'n Pop est un jeu vidéo édité par Taito en 1983, considéré comme l'ancêtre de Bubble Bobble. Bien qu'aujourd'hui considéré comme peu connu, ce jeu existait sur différents supports.
Le but est d'atteindre le sommet de l'écran avant la fin du temps imparti. Chack est retardé dans son objectif par une série de murs bloquants. Pour faire disparaître ces murs, il doit, à l'aide de ses grenades à main, libérer les c?urs enfermés dans des cages.
Italien Chack'n Pop è considerato un predecessore di Bubble Bobble. Si tratta di un gioco a piattaforme in cui una creatura rotonda e gialla di nome Chack'n deve combattere contro Monstas e Mightas per recuperare i cuori rubati da un incontro amoroso con Miss Chack'n.
nnLe Monstas si schiudono da uova appese al soffitto e le Mightas spingono una roccia che viene utilizzata come timer del gioco. Le uova di monsta hanno tre fasi: se è blu è completamente innocuo, se è giallo apparirà entro 10 secondi e se un uovo diventa rosso apparirà quasi immediatamente.
nnChack'n usa le bombe per far esplodere i mostri e le loro uova e le usa anche per liberare i cuori catturati dalle loro gabbie. Quando il cuore viene rilasciato, vola verso l'alto e distrugge il blocco divisorio, rivelando l'uscita del livello.
Portugais Chack'n Pop é um jogo de ação. Você joga como um pequeno personagem amarelo capaz de andar nas paredes e atirar bombas. Você deve coletar todos os ovos do mesmo nível e eliminar todos os inimigos para passar para o próximo.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .