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Crush Roller
Crush Roller - Alpha Denshi Co. - Arcade
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Crush Roller
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   Japon Crush Roller
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   USA Make Trax
Europe Crush Roller
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Action / Labyrinth
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Monde 1981
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Allemand Crush Roller ist ein Labyrinthspiel, bei dem der Spieler einen Pinsel steuert und alle Korridore streichen muss, um dann auf die nächste Stufe zu gelangen. Zwei "Fische", einer gelb, der andere blau, jagen den Pinsel, und wenn sich einer der Fische dem Pinsel anschließt, verliert der Spieler ein Leben. Der Spieler kann zwei "Raclette" verwenden, um den Fisch abzuwehren. Die Scheibenwischer sind auf zwei Gehwegen positioniert, eine vertikal, die andere horizontal. Ein abgelehnter Fisch wird für einige Sekunden vom Level entfernt und verdient Punkte. Nach einer Weile kommt eine Katze, um Spuren auf Ihrem Gemälde zu hinterlassen, und Sie müssen die Katze entfernen, indem Sie sie fangen und ihre Spuren bedecken, um das Gemälde zu vervollständigen.
Anglais Crush Roller is a maze game in which the player controls a paintbrush and must paint the entire layout in order to advance to the next stage. Two fish one yellow, the other light blue emerge from separate aquariums to pursue the paintbrush around the board, and if either of the fish succeeds in making contact with the paintbrush, the player loses a life.

The player may use two "rollers" to attack the fish. The rollers are located on two overpasses, one vertical in its orientation, the other horizontal. To use a roller, the player positions the paintbrush on the forward end of the roller, waits for either or both of the fish to approach, then pushes the paintbrush along the roller, attacking the fish. The fish is removed from the maze for a few seconds, then returns to one of the aquariums and resumes its pursuit of the paintbrush. Killing fish in this manner scores bonus points.

A third character, appearing to be an animal or human figure depending on the level, may enter the maze and leave tracks that must be painted over in order for the board to be completed. The player can limit the damage by running over the figure, which not only stops further tracks from being left but also awards the player a score, which progressively increases as more boards are cleared.
Espagnol Es un juego de laberinto en el que el jugador controla un pincel y debe pintar todo el diseño para pasar al siguiente nivel. Dos peces, uno amarillo y otro azul claro, emergen de acuarios separados para perseguir el cepillo alrededor del tablero, y si uno de los peces logra entrar en contacto con el cepillo, el jugador pierde una vida.
Français Crush Roller est un jeu de labyrinthe où le joueur contrôle un pinceau et doit peindre l'ensemble des couloirs puis passer au niveau suivant. Deux "poissons", l'un jaune, l'autre bleu poursuivent le pinceau et, si l'un des poissons rejoint le pinceau, le joueur perd une vie.
Le joueur peut utiliser deux "raclettes" pour repousser les poissons. Les raclettes sont placées sur deux passerelles, l'une verticale, l'autre horizontale. Un poisson repoussé est retiré du niveau pour quelques secondes et rapporte des points.
Après un certain temps, un chat vient laisser des traces de pas sur votre peinture et il vous faudra éliminer le chat en le rattrapant et recouvrir ses traces pour achever le tableau.
Italien Crush Roller è un gioco di labirinto in cui il giocatore controlla un pennello e deve dipingere tutti i corridoi per poi passare al livello successivo. Due "pesci", uno giallo, l'altro blu inseguono il pennello, e se uno dei pesci si unisce al pennello, il giocatore perde una vita.
Il giocatore può usare due "raclette" per respingere il pesce. I tergicristalli sono posizionati su due passerelle, una verticale, l'altra orizzontale. Un pesce respinto viene rimosso dal livello per alcuni secondi e guadagna punti.
Dopo un po ', un gatto viene a lasciare impronte sul tuo dipinto e dovrai eliminare il gatto catturandolo e coprendo le sue tracce per completare il dipinto.
Portugais Crush Roller é um jogo de labirinto no qual o jogador controla um pincel e deve pintar todo o layout para avançar para a próxima fase. Dois peixes um amarelo, o outro azul claro emergem de aquários separados para perseguir o pincel à volta do tabuleiro, e se um dos peixes conseguir entrar em contacto com o pincel, o jogador perde uma vida.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .