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Denjin Makai
Denjin Makai - Seibu Kaihatsu - Arcade Seibu Kaihatsu
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Denjin Makai
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Monde Denjin Makai
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Winky Soft
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Beat'em Up
Fighting / 2.5D
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Monde 1994
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Allemand Ghost Chaser Densei oder Denjinmakai weichen nicht dramatisch von der Standard-Handlungslinie für Scrolling-Brawler ab. Eine Stadt in zwanzig Minuten in der Zukunft muss vor einer terroristischen Organisation gerettet werden, und zwischen Erlösung und Ihnen liegt eine lange, gerade Linie voller Idioten, die geschlagen werden müssen. Abgesehen davon, dass Sie vor jedem Level Befehle von Ihrem Boss erhalten und sich schnell mit einem Boss oder einem seltenen NPC unterhalten, wird die Geschichte nicht versuchen, Schlägen im Wege zu stehen.
Anglais Many years after the third world war, a new country has emerged. This country is not controlled by a god, demon, or man, but by a huge network system, a super computer the computer has a name but I have forgotten what it was called. This super computer controls and monitors the city and everyone in it, and no one can ever escape or get by the computer. Recently there have been people showing up whos actions cannot be seen or monitored by the computer. These people are known as Ghosts. Because of this, the Ghosts have been freely committing crimes across the city. In response to this a Ghost Police Force or Ghost Defence Force has been created, members of this group are known as Ghost Chasers. There are SIX characters to choose from all with their own unique movelist which is quite large and only matched by its sequel, Denjin Makai II: Guardians.
Espagnol Muchos años después de la tercera guerra mundial, ha surgido un nuevo país. Este país no está controlado por un dios, demonio u hombre, sino por un enorme sistema de red, una supercomputadora. Esta supercomputadora controla y vigila la ciudad y a todos los que están en ella. Nadie puede escapar o eludir a la computadora. Recientemente han aparecido personas cuyas acciones no pueden ser vistas o monitoreadas por la computadora. Estas personas son conocidas como Fantasmas. Debido a esto, los Fantasmas han estado cometiendo crímenes libremente por toda la ciudad. En respuesta a esto se ha creado una Fuerza de Policía Fantasma, los miembros de este grupo son conocidos como Cazadores de Fantasmas. Hay SEIS personajes entre los que elegir, cada uno con su propia lista de movimientos, que es bastante extensa y sólo comparable a la de su secuela, Denjin Makai II: Guardians.
Français Huit personnages différents sont disponibles, chacun d'eux possédant un panel important de coups spéciaux et de combos. Quelques armes, comme des épées ou des bombes, sont disponibles au cours des cinq niveaux composant le jeu.
Italien Ghost Chaser Densei o Denjinmakai non prende alcuna deviazione drammatica dalla trama standard del brawler a scorrimento. Una città venti minuti nel futuro deve essere salvata da un'organizzazione terroristica, e tra la salvezza e te c'è una lunga linea retta piena di scagnozzi che devono essere presi a pugni. Oltre a ricevere ordini dal tuo capo prima di ogni livello e la conversazione veloce con un boss o un NPC raro, la storia non tenterà di intralciare i picchiamenti.
Portugais Ghost Chaser Densei ou Denjinmakai não se afastam drasticamente da trama padrão do scrolling-brawler. Uma cidade vinte minutos no futuro deve ser salva de uma organização terrorista, e entre a salvação e você está uma linha longa e reta cheia de capangas que devem ser socados. Além de receber ordens de seu chefe antes de cada nível, e a conversa rápida com um chefe ou NPC raro, a história não tentará atrapalhar as derrotas.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .