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Diet Go Go
Diet Go Go - Data East Classics - Arcade Data East
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Diet Go Go
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Monde Diet Go Go
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Platform / Run & Jump
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Monde 1992
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Allemand Diet Go Go ist ein Ein- oder Zwei-Spieler-Plattform-Spiel für ein oder zwei Spieler, bei dem es darum geht, jeden Bildschirm von Monstern zu reinigen und zu vermeiden, dick zu werden. Die Monster werden besiegt, indem sie Essen auf sie werfen, bis sie aufgeblasen (fett) werden, dann berühren sie sie, um sie zu platzen, schicken sie, um über den Bildschirm zu fliegen und andere Monster zu töten, mit denen sie in Kontakt kommen. Viele Monster werfen auch Futter auf die Spieler, wodurch sie immer dicker werden. Wenn die Spieler zu dick werden, verlieren sie ein Leben, obwohl gelegentlich zusätzliche Diät-Limonaden auftauchen und gesammelt werden können, um die Wirkung rückgängig zu machen. Der Kontakt mit Monstern, die nicht vollständig aufgeblasen sind, ist tödlich.
Anglais Diet Go Go is a single-screen platform game for one or two players, in which the aim is to clear each screen of monsters and avoid getting fat. Monsters are defeated by throwing food at them until they inflate (get fat), then touching them to burst them, sending them flying around the screen and killing any other monsters they come into contact with. Many monsters also throw food at the players, making them increasingly fat. If players get too fat, they lose a life, although bonus diet sodas occasionally appear and can be picked up to reverse the effect. Contact with monsters who aren't fully inflated is fatal.

When monsters are destroyed, they leave behind rings, gems, power-ups and diet tonic. Power-ups include roller-skates to move faster, compressed air to blow monsters up and increased fire power. Data East coins also appear on each level. If players collect these coins, they shoot up to the top of the screen where a fruit machine display rolls over and dispenses gems, power-ups and rings. If the fruit machine reads 777, a bonus round appears in which players jump on clouds to collect falling gems while avoiding the falling food that will make them fat.

The game starts with one player selecting an area on a world map, then progresses through two levels of play to reach a giant boss on the third round. After the boss is destroyed that world is complete and play moves onto the next. Each world has a different theme and boss.
Espagnol Diet Go Go es la secuela de Tumble Pop y fuertemente inspirado en Bubble Bobble.

El Dr. De Playne, conocido villano de Data East, decidió esta vez atacar por el lado de la obesidad, engordando a muchísimas personas y obteniendo el control total del mundo.
Pero se envían a dos jovenes héroes, que cuidan su silueta, para combatir, de una vez por todas, de tan maligno doctor.
Français Deux personnages en tenue sportive sautent d'une plateforme à l'autre en tirant sur des monstres. Un monstre devenu bouffi par les tirs subis peut être projeté à travers l'écran pour atteindre d'autres monstres. Les joueurs peuvent supporter d'être touchés par la nourriture jusqu'à deux fois, mais si un monstre touche un joueur, il meurt instantanément.
Un gameplay proche de Bubble Bobble.
Portugais Diet Go Go é um jogo de plataforma de tela única para um ou dois jogadores, no qual o objetivo é limpar cada tela de monstros e evitar engordar. Os monstros são derrotados jogando comida neles até inflarem (engordam), depois os tocam para estourá-los, enviando-os voando pela tela e matando outros monstros com quem entram em contato. Muitos monstros também jogam comida nos jogadores, tornando-os cada vez mais gordos. Se os jogadores engordam demais, eles perdem uma vida, embora os refrigerantes de dieta extras apareçam ocasionalmente e possam ser recolhidos para reverter o efeito. O contato com monstros que não estão totalmente inflados é fatal.

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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .