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Hard Drivin'
Hard Drivin' - Atari Classics - Arcade Atari
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Hard Drivin'
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Racing FPV
Racing, Driving
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Monde 1988
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Anglais Slide into the contoured seat and adjust it to fit the length of your arms and legs. Put your feet on gas and clutch pedals and try the stick shift. Select manual or automatic transmission, turn the ignition key and you're off!

It’s the ride of your life. You feel the tires grip the road when you take a wide turn at high speed. You're alerted to the smallest change in the road by the feedback steering. You catch air as you fly the draw bridge and land on the down ramp. You control the car as it holds the road on the dizzying vertical loop.

Hard Drivin' might look like an arcade game but it drives like a real car. For the best lap times, drive Hard Drivin' as if it were a real car. The main difference between Hard Drivin' and a real car is that Hard Drivin' is much safer to drive. A player can test the limits of the car and his skill with no risk of personal injury, and follow a course that does not exist anywhere in the real world.

After inserting the proper number of coins to start the simulator, the player can select either an automatic or manual transmission. Turning the ignition key starts the simulator.

Drivers can choose between the stunt track or the speed track by following the posted signs on the road. Each player has a certain (operator-selectable) amount of time to reach a checkpoint or the finish line. Crossing checkpoints and the finish line rewards the player with (operator-selectable) bonus driving time.

With Hard Drivin' a player can test drive a high-powered sports car on a real stunt course. He can jump a draw bridge, negotiate a high-speed banked turn and drive a 360-degree vertical loop. These thrilling stunts, among others, provide the ultimate realistic driving experience.

Or maybe high-speed driving is a particular player's type of excitement. He can 'put the pedal to the metal' and try to keep control around the corners, weaving in and out of traffic while avoiding oncoming cars. All this, and more, await the player behind the wheel of Hard Drivin'.

Players especially enjoy the unique instant replay feature on Hard Drivin'. Every time a player crashes, the simulator records and replays the crash sequence. Not only will the player find this entertaining, but it is also informative. The instant replay shows the player exactly what he did wrong and why he crashed (If a player wants to skip the instant replay, he can press the abort switch or turn the key when the replay starts).

A skilled player finds the ultimate competition in the 'challenge' lap (or 'grudge match' as Atari Games likes to call it). The simulator remembers the path of the car driven by the best driver on record. When a player beats the qualifying lap time, he challenges the car of the past winner in a head-to-head race.
Français Glissez-vous dans le siège, réglez-le, pieds sur les pédales et main sur le levier de vitesse. Sélectionnez la transmission manuelle ou automatique, contact! C'est parti!
Hard Drivin' ressemble peut-être à un jeu d'arcade, mais il se conduit comme une vraie voiture. La principale différence est que Hard Drivin' est beaucoup plus sûr à conduire.
Le conducteur dispose d'un temps limité pour atteindre les points de contrôle en passant par les pistes de cascade ou de vitesse.
A chaque accident, le simulateur rejoue la séquence afin que le conducteur apprenne de ses erreurs. Un joueur expérimenté accèdera à l'ultime compétition, le "grudge match". Le simulateur enregistre la trajectoire du meilleur pilote. Si un joueur bat le temps de qualification, il défie la voiture de l'ancien vainqueur en tête-à-tête.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .