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Joust - Midway Classics - Arcade Midway
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Monde Joust
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Monde 1982
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Allemand Ein großartiger Klassiker, den es auch auf dem Atari ST gab. Du kontrollierst den Flügelschlag deines Reittiers, die Schwerkraft zieht dich immer wieder nach unten. Das Ziel besteht darin, Feinde durch Schläge zu eliminieren. Dies funktioniert, wenn Sie sich über einer größeren Höhe befinden.
Sobald sie berührt werden, verwandeln sie sich in ein Ei, das Sie schnell zerdrücken müssen.
Ein sehr altes Spiel, das aber durchaus Spaß macht und wegen des Gameplays einen Test wert ist.
Anglais Joust is a platform-based action combat game for one or two-players (with the two-player game offering either team-up OR head-to-head combat; the first time arcade gamers were given this choice) in which each player controls a knight riding on the back of a flying ostrich.

The object of the game is to progress through platform-based levels by defeating groups of buzzard-riding enemy knights. This is achieved by 'jousting'; both enemy and player knights carry a lance and must fly around the level (actioned by repeatedly hitting the 'Flap' button) trying to oust rival knights from their steeds by ramming them with the lance. This can only be achieved if the attacking rider is above the enemy knight when the lance connects. A collision of equal elevations results in the two knights bouncing off each other, but if a player is lower than their enemy at the instant of contact, they themselves will be knocked from their steed and lose a life.

A defeated enemy will turn into an egg that falls to the bottom of the screen. This must be quickly collected by players as if the egg lands on a platform and isn't retrieved in time, it will eventually hatch into another enemy knight that must be defeated again.

Joust features three different types of enemy knights - Bounder, Hunter, and Shadow Lord - with each earning players different points values when defeated. A pterodactyl will appear after a predetermined time to hunt the players.

Accurately navigating the player Knights can be initially quite difficult as control is strongly affected by both gravity and inertia. Players can lose a life by either being knocked from their steed by an enemy knight, or by falling into the lava pit at the bottom of each level.
Espagnol En Joust, los jugadores toman el control de un caballero con una lanza que monta su avestruz volador (o cigüeña, para el Jugador 2) para luchar contra los caballeros malvados controlados por computadora que cabalgan sobre buitres.

Los jugadores deben agitar las alas de su caballo para golpear al enemigo desde un punto más alto de la justa para destruir al buitre y a su jinete. Una vez que el enemigo ha sido golpeado, un huevo cae a una de las plataformas de abajo. Los heroicos caballeros deben destruir los huevos antes de que eclosionen y liberen nuevos y cada vez más difíciles caballeros.
Français Un grand classique qui a existé aussi sur Atari ST. Vous contrôlez les battements des ailes de votre monture, la gravité vous ramenant toujours vers le bas. Le but est d'éliminer les ennemis en les frappant, cela fonctionne si votre altitude est supérieure.
Un fois touchés, ils se transforment en œuf qu'il faut se dépêcher d'écraser.
Un jeu très ancien mais assez amusant, à tester pour le gameplay.

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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .