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Legend Of Makai
Legend Of Makai - Jaleco - Arcade Jaleco
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General Information
Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
Information Proposed by
Legend Of Makai
Game name (by Region)
Regions Information Proposed by
   Japon Makai Densetsu
Monde Legend of Makai
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Number of Players
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Rating Categories
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Platform / Fighter Scrolling
Action / Adventure
Fighting / 2D
Release date(s)
Regions Information Proposed by
Monde 1988
Languages Information Proposed by
Allemand Legend of Makai ist ein Action/Abenteuer-Plattformer, der in einem Fantasy-Setting angesiedelt ist. Der Spieler steuert einen jungen Krieger, dessen Aufgabe es ist, eine Prinzessin vor einem bösen Zauberer zu retten. Der Krieger hat zu Beginn nur ein Schwert, kann aber in Geschäften andere Waffen und magische Gegenstände kaufen. Das Gameplay besteht darin, sich einen Weg durch nicht-lineare Levels zu bahnen, Schlüssel zu benutzen, um Türen zu öffnen und verschiedene Feinde zu töten oder ihnen auszuweichen. Der Spieler hat eine feste Zeitspanne, um jedes Level zu beenden.
Anglais Legend of Makai is an action/adventure platformer based in a fantasy setting. The player controls a young warrior whose quest is to rescue a princess from an evil wizard. The warrior starts off with only a sword, but can purchase other weapons and magical items from shops. The gameplay consists finding one's way through non-linear levels, using keys to open doors and killing or avoiding various enemies. The player has a fixed amount of time to complete each level.
Espagnol Legend of Makai es un juego de acción / aventura basado en un escenario de fantasía. El jugador controla a un joven guerrero cuya misión es rescatar a una princesa de un malvado mago. El guerrero comienza con sólo una espada, pero puede comprar otras armas y objetos mágicos de las tiendas. El juego consiste en encontrar un camino a través de niveles no lineales, utilizando las teclas para abrir puertas y matar o evitar a varios enemigos. El jugador tiene una cantidad fija de tiempo para completar cada nivel.
Français Le joueur contrôle un jeune guerrier dont la quête est de sauver une princesse d'un sorcier maléfique. Le guerrier commence avec seulement une épée, mais peut acheter d'autres armes et objets magiques dans les magasins. Le gameplay consiste à se frayer un chemin à travers des niveaux non linéaires, en utilisant les touches pour ouvrir les portes et en tuant ou en évitant divers ennemis. Le joueur dispose d'un temps fixe pour terminer chaque niveau.
Italien Il giocatore controlla un giovane guerriero la cui missione è salvare una principessa da un mago malvagio. Il guerriero inizia con una spada, ma può acquistare altre armi e oggetti magici nei negozi. Il gameplay consiste nel farsi strada attraverso livelli non lineari, utilizzando chiavi per aprire porte e uccidendo o evitando vari nemici. Il giocatore ha a disposizione un tempo fisso per completare ogni livello.
Portugais O jogador controla um jovem guerreiro cuja missão é resgatar uma princesa de um feiticeiro malvado. O guerreiro começa apenas com uma espada, mas pode comprar outras armas e artigos mágicos nas lojas. A jogabilidade consiste em abrir caminho através de níveis não lineares, usando chaves para abrir portas e matar ou evitar vários inimigos. É dado ao jogador um tempo fixo para completar cada nível.
General Information
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .