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Comix Zone
Comix Zone - Game Boy Advance - Console Portable Nintendo
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Comix Zone
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Europe Comix Zone
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JV:+12 ans
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Beat'em Up
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Europe 11/09/2002
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Allemand Sketch Turner wird von seinem selbst erfundenen Zeichentrick - Bösewicht Mortus - in seinen eigenen Comic verbannt. Denn nur hier kann der Erzfeind den Helden Sketch vernichten! Wenn dies Mortus wirklich gelingen sollte, wird dieser größenwahnsinnige Mutant Wirklichkeit und die Erde wird unter seine Herrschaft fallen.
Aber es gibt Hoffnung. Im Comic besitzt Sketch übermenschliche Kräfte und setzt alles daran, um in die reale Welt zurückzukehren. Zusammen mit seiner Ratte Roadkill, welche zur Killerratte mutiert ist, kämpft er gegen die Mutanten aus Mortuses Feder an.
Anglais Sketch Turner was a starving comic book artist, living with his pet rat Roadkill... that is until a lightning storm mysteriously brought his cartoon villain, Mortus, to life and imprisoned Sketch within the pages of his own comic book. Now trapped in the world that he himself created, but someone else is now drawing, Sketch must battle through the pages of his own comic book, and past his own creations, to a final battle with Mortus. Perhaps one of his own creations, General Alissa Cyan might be able to help...

Comix Zone is a side-scrolling fighting game with a difference, you're inside of a comic book and you yourself know it. Smash enemies into the sides of frames, rip through the paper to unleash a super move and otherwise wreck havoc throughout the limitations of the graphic novel. Sketch himself can jump, attack and use various items that he finds along the comic book, including his rat friend, Roadkill. Button combinations can be used to unleash powerful techniques.

The game progresses linear through each page of the comic book, however secret paths and alternate routes through the story can be discovered. At the end of each level, Sketch receives a super hero rating for how well he's progressing.
Espagnol ¡El primer comic realmente interactivo! Unos extraños acontecimientos han dejado a Sketch atrapado en las páginas de su comic pos-apocalíptico, y ahora el lápiz está en las manos de su creación más malvada: Mortus. Atraviesa las páginas y salta por encima de las viñetas mientras luchas contra las masas mutantes para escapar de la Zona de Comix.
Français Sketch Turner était un dessinateur de bandes dessinées vivant avec son rat de compagnie Roadkill... Une tempête de foudre donne mystérieusement vie à son méchant, Mortus, et emprisonne Sketch dans les pages de sa propre bande dessinée. Désormais piégé dans le monde qu'il a lui-même créé, Sketch doit se battre à travers les pages de sa propre bande dessinée.
Sketch peut sauter, attaquer et utiliser divers objets qu'il trouve le long de la bande dessinée, y compris son ami rat, Roadkill. Des combinaisons de boutons peuvent être utilisées pour déclencher de puissantes attaques.
Bien que la progression soit linéaire, il est possible de découvrir des chemins secrets et des itinéraires alternatifs. À la fin de chaque niveau, Sketch reçoit une note de super-héros.
Italien Sketch Turner era un fumettista che viveva con il suo ratto domestico Roadkill... Una tempesta di fulmini dà misteriosamente vita al suo cattivo, Mortus, e intrappola Sketch nelle pagine del suo stesso fumetto. Intrappolato in un mondo creato da lui stesso, Sketch deve farsi strada tra le pagine del suo stesso fumetto.
Sketch può saltare, attaccare e utilizzare vari oggetti che trova lungo il fumetto, compreso il suo amico topo, Roadkill. Le combinazioni di tasti possono essere utilizzate per scatenare potenti attacchi.
Sebbene la progressione sia lineare, è possibile scoprire sentieri segreti e percorsi alternativi. Alla fine di ogni livello, Sketch riceve un biglietto da supereroe.
Portugais Sketch Turner era um artista de banda desenhada que vivia com o seu rato de estimação, Roadkill. Uma tempestade de raios misteriosamente dá vida ao seu vilão, Mortus, e prende Sketch nas páginas da sua própria banda desenhada. Agora, preso no mundo que ele próprio criou, Sketch tem de lutar para abrir caminho através das páginas da sua própria banda desenhada.
Sketch pode saltar, atacar e usar vários objectos que encontra ao longo da banda desenhada, incluindo o seu amigo rato, Roadkill. As combinações de botões podem ser usadas para desencadear ataques poderosos.
Embora a progressão seja linear, é possível descobrir caminhos secretos e rotas alternativas. No final de cada nível, Sketch recebe um bilhete de super-herói.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .