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Soul Calibur 2
Soul Calibur 2 - Namco Classics - Arcade Namco
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Soul Calibur 2
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   Japon SoulCalibur II
Continent Américain
   USA Soul Calibur II
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Monde 2002
Japon 05/07/2002
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Allemand Soul Calibur II spielt im Jahr 1591, vier Jahre nach den Ereignissen von Soulcalibur. Die Welle der Massaker, die Europa terrorisierte, erreichte ein plötzliches Ende. Der Ritter in azurblauer Rüstung, Nightmare, und seine Anhänger waren erfolgreich darin, genug Seelen zu sammeln und waren dabei, die Restaurierungszeremonie auf den Ruinen der einst stolzen Ostreinsburg-Burg zu beginnen. Aber gerade als die Zeremonie beginnen sollte, griffen drei junge Krieger das Schloss an. Nach einer intensiven Schlacht fiel Nightmare, aber dann schickte die böse Seele in Soul Edge die jungen Krieger in einen Strudel des Höllenfeuers und stand, um sie zu konfrontieren. Als Ergebnis der bösen Aura von Soul Edge enthüllte Krita-Yuga seine wahre Form: die des Heiligen Schwertes, Soul Calibur.
Anglais Soul Calibur II is set in the year 1591, four years after the events of Soulcalibur. The wave of slaughters that terrorized Europe reached a sudden end. The knight in azure armor, Nightmare, and his followers were successful in collecting enough souls and were about to start the restoring ceremony on the ruins of the once-proud Ostreinsburg Castle. But just as the ceremony was to start, three young warriors assaulted the castle. After an intense battle Nightmare fell, but then the evil soul inside Soul Edge sent the young warriors into a vortex of hellfire and stood to confront them. As a result of Soul Edge's evil aura, Krita-Yuga revealed its true form: that of the Holy Sword, Soul Calibur. The intense battle ended with the victory of the holy sword, but at the collapse of the vortex of Inferno, both swords along with the azure Nightmare were sucked in a void and expelled in another place. Siegfried, recognizing his sins, set out on a journey of atonement. Still the blade held a strong bond, and every night it took control of the body and took souls of those nearby. The efforts made by the young knight were fruitless, and four years later the Azure Knight Nightmare returned. Around those times various warriors came into contact of the blade's remaining fragments, revealing Soul Edge's ultimate survival after its defeat. Driven either to possess or destroy it, they join a new journey, while Nightmare begins his rampage, seeking souls to restore Soul Edge once again.
Français Soul Calibur II se déroule en 1591, quatre ans après les événements de Soulcalibur. La vague de massacres qui terrorisait l'Europe a pris fin brutalement. Le chevalier en armure d'azur, Nightmare, et ses partisans ont réussi à rassembler suffisamment d'âmes et étaient sur le point de commencer la cérémonie de restauration sur les ruines du château autrefois fier d'Ostreinsburg. Mais juste au moment où la cérémonie devait commencer, trois jeunes guerriers ont pris d'assaut le château. Après une bataille intense, Nightmare est tombé, mais l'âme maléfique à l'intérieur de Soul Edge a envoyé les jeunes guerriers dans un vortex de feu infernal et s'est levé pour les affronter.
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Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .