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Xevious (Prototype)
Xevious (Prototype) - Atari 5200 - Console Atari
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Xevious (Prototype)
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Continent Américain
   USA Xevious
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Shoot'em Up
Shoot'em Up / Vertical
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USA 1984
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Allemand Ein noch nie dagewesener Prototyp basierend auf Namcos beliebtem Shooter.
Es ist ein Albtraum, aber es ist die Realität. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen haben ergeben, dass wir die wahren Außerirdischen auf der Erde sind und die bösen Xevions ihre ursprünglichen Bewohner sind. Jetzt wollen die Xevions die Erde zurück. Ohne Menschen! Die letzte Hoffnung der Erde ist ein experimentelles Kampfflugzeug namens Solvalou. Die Mission ist gefährlich, der Erfolg ist nicht garantiert und die Chancen stehen gut, dass es sich um eine Einbahnstraße handelt. Aber an diesem Punkt heißt es: Tun oder sterben!
Anglais An unreleased prototype based on the popular Namco shooting game.

It's a nightmare, but it's true. Scientific research has determined that we are the actual aliens on Earth and the evil Xevions are the original inhabitants. Now the Xevions want Earth back. minus the humans! Earth's last hope is an experimental fighter plane known as the Solvalou. The mission is dangerous, success isn't guaranteed, and odds are this is a one-way trip. But at this point it's do or die!

As Earth's last hope, you must successfully defeat the Xevion assault fleet before they reclaim earth. However this won't be an easy task, the Xevions have had over a millennia to develop the biggest, nastiest, and most destructive ships Earth has ever seen. Thankfully the Solvalou is armed with the latest in weapons technology which will cut through the Xevion hordes like a hot knife through butter. The Solvalou has two main weapons, a laser blaster for taking out air targets, and a photon bomber for destroying ground targets. Over the course of the game you'll run into numerous enemy types which can only be destroyed using the appropriate weapon, so mastering the dual shot (air and ground) technique is vital.
Espagnol Un prototipo inédito basado en el popular juego de disparos de Namco.

Es una pesadilla, pero es verdad. La investigación científica ha determinado que somos los alienígenas reales en la Tierra y que los malvados Xevions son los habitantes originales. Ahora los Xevions quieren la Tierra de vuelta. menos los humanos! La última esperanza de la Tierra es un avión de combate experimental conocido como el Solvalou. La misión es peligrosa, el éxito no está garantizado y es probable que se trate de un viaje de ida. Pero a estas alturas es hacer o morir!
Français Un prototype inédit basé sur le jeu de tir populaire de Namco.

C'est un cauchemar, mais c'est la réalité. La recherche scientifique a déterminé que nous sommes les vrais extraterrestres sur Terre et que les méchants Xevions en sont les premiers habitants. Maintenant, les Xevions veulent récupérer la Terre. Sans les humains ! Le dernier espoir de la Terre est un avion de combat expérimental connu sous le nom de Solvalou. La mission est dangereuse, le succès n'est pas garanti, et il y a de fortes chances que ce soit un aller simple. Mais à ce stade, c'est agir ou mourir !
Italien Un prototipo inedito basato sul popolare gioco sparatutto di Namco.
nnÈ un incubo, ma è vero. La ricerca scientifica ha stabilito che noi siamo i veri alieni sulla Terra e che i malvagi Xevion sono gli abitanti originali. Ora gli Xevion rivogliono la Terra. meno gli umani! L'ultima speranza della Terra è un aereo da combattimento sperimentale noto come Solvalou. La missione è pericolosa, il successo non è garantito ed è probabile che sia un viaggio di sola andata. Ma a questo punto o muori!
Portugais Um protótipo nunca antes visto baseado no popular jogo de tiro da Namco. É um pesadelo, mas é realidade. A pesquisa científica determinou que nós somos os verdadeiros alienígenas na Terra e os malignos Xevions são seus habitantes originais. Agora os Xevions querem recuperar a Terra. Sem humanos! A Última Esperança da Terra é um caça a jato experimental conhecido como Solvalou. A missão é perigosa, o sucesso não é garantido e provavelmente será uma passagem só de ida. Mas neste ponto, é agir ou morrer!
General Information
Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .