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3 In 1 Supergun
3 In 1 Supergun - NES - Console Nintendo
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3 In 1 Supergun
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Asie 3 in 1 Supergun
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Micro Genius
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Asie 1989
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Allemand 3 in 1 Supergun ist eine Zusammenstellung von Light Gun-Spielen, die von Chengdu Tai Jing Da Dong Computer Co. entwickelt und von Micro Genius 1993 in Asien und Italien veröffentlicht wurde.

Dieser Multicart enthält drei Spiele, für die ein Zapper erforderlich ist.
Seltsamerweise beginnen alle 3 Spiele mit einem Menü mit der Aufschrift "Gun Fighter" oben und der Option, 3 Schwierigkeitsgrade auszuwählen.

Es ist bekannt, dass mindestens zwei Versionen dieses Multicarts existieren, wobei die anderen Versionen die Schreibweise von "Clown" im Menü korrigieren und 3 Spiele (ohne Zapper) hinzufügen.
Eine abgeworfene Variante fügt F15 City War, Poke Block und Volleyball hinzu.
Anglais 3 in 1 Supergun is a compilation of light gun games, developed by Chengdu Tai Jing Da Dong Computer Co and published by Micro Genius, which was released in Asia and Italy in 1993.

This multicart contains three games, of which require a zapper to play. Oddly, all 3 games start up with a menu reading "Gun Fighter" on the top and with the option of selecting 3 difficulties.

At least two versions of this multicart are known to exist, with the other version(s) fixing the spelling of "Clown" on the menu and adding 3 (non-zapper) games; one dumped variant adds F15 City War, Poke Block and Volleyball.
Espagnol 3 en 1 Supergun es una compilación de juegos de armas ligeras, desarrollada por Chengdu Tai Jing Da Dong Computer Co y publicada por Micro Genius, que se lanzó en Asia e Italia en 1993. Este multicartucho contiene tres juegos, de los cuales se requiere un zapper para jugar. Curiosamente, los 3 juegos comienzan con un menú que se lee "Gun Fighter" en la parte superior y con la opción de seleccionar 3 dificultades. Se sabe que existen al menos dos versiones de este multicart, con la otra versión (es) que corrige la ortografía de "Payaso" en el menú y agrega 3 juegos (que no son zapper); Una variante descargada agrega F15 City War, Poke Block y Voleibol.
Français 3 in 1 Supergun est une compilation de 3 jeux de tirs. Cette compilation contient donc trois jeux qui exigent le zapper pour y jouer.
Italien 3 in 1 Supergun è una compilation di giochi di armi leggere, sviluppata da Chengdu Tai Jing Da Dong Computer Co e pubblicata da Micro Genius, che è stata rilasciata in Asia e in Italia nel 1993. Questa multi-cartuccia contiene tre giochi, di cui una versione separata è zapper necessario per giocare. È interessante notare che tutti e 3 i giochi iniziano con un menu che recita "Gun Fighter" in alto e con l'opzione per selezionare 3 difficoltà.
Portugais Este multicart contém três jogos de tiro, dos quais requerem uma Zapper para jogar. Estranhamente, todos os 3 jogos começam com um menu que diz "Gun Fighter" no topo e com a opção de selecionar 3 dificuldades.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .