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Crystal Castles
Crystal Castles - ZX Spectrum - Ordinateur
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Crystal Castles
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Europe Crystal Castles
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Andromeda Software
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Action / Labyrinth
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Europe 1986
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Allemand Bentley Bear ist in den Kristallschlössern gefangen! Um herauszukommen, muss er alle Edelsteine sammeln, die sich in jeder Burg befinden. Das Spiel wird in einer isometrischen Fake-3D-Ansicht durch plattformübergreifende Schlösser gespielt. Wenn Bentley alle Edelsteine in einem Level gesammelt hat, geht er zur nächsten, schwierigeren Burg. Bentley muss einer Vielzahl von gefährlichen Kreaturen ausweichen, die in den Levels umherstreifen . Von Zeit zu Zeit taucht ein magischer Hut auf. Wenn Bentley den Hut einsammelt, ist er vorübergehend unbesiegbar.
Anglais Bentley Bear is trapped in the Crystal Castles! To get out, he will need to collect all of the gems located throughout the castle. The game is played with an isometric view of the multi platformed castle. When Bentley collects all of the gems on the current castle, he will move on to the next, more difficult castle. Wandering throughout the castles are a wide variety of dangerous creatures, which Bentley should avoid. From time to time, a magic hat will appear. If Bentley collects the hat, he will temporarily be invincible to the castles inhabitants.
Espagnol Bentley Bear está atrapado en los castillos de cristal. Para salir, debe recoger todas las gemas que se encuentran en cada castillo. El juego se desarrolla en una falsa vista isométrica en 3D a través de castillos multiplataforma. Cuando Bentley recoge todas las gemas del nivel, pasa al siguiente castillo, más difícil. Bentley tendrá que evitar una gran variedad de criaturas peligrosas que deambulan por los niveles. De vez en cuando aparecerá un sombrero mágico. Si Bentley recoge el sombrero, será temporalmente invencible.
Français Bentley Bear est piégé dans les châteaux de cristal ! Pour sortir, il devra collecter toutes les gemmes situées chaque château. Le jeu se joue avec une vue isométrique en fausse 3D à travers des châteaux multi-plateforme. Lorsque Bentley récupère toutes les gemmes du niveau, il passe au château suivant, plus difficile. Bentley devra éviter une grande variété de créatures dangereuses qui errent dans les niveaux . De temps en temps, un chapeau magique apparaîtra. Si Bentley récupère le chapeau, il sera temporairement invincible.
Italien Bentley Bear è intrappolato nei castelli di cristallo! Per uscire, deve raccogliere tutte le gemme che si trovano in ogni castello. Il gioco si svolge in una falsa visuale isometrica 3D attraverso castelli multipiattaforma. Quando Bentley raccoglie tutte le gemme del livello, passa al castello successivo, più difficile. Bentley dovrà evitare un'ampia varietà di creature pericolose che si aggirano per i livelli. Di tanto in tanto apparirà un cappello magico. Se Bentley lo raccoglie, diventa temporaneamente invincibile.
Portugais Bentley Bear está preso nos castelos de cristal! Para sair, tem de recolher todas as pedras preciosas que se encontram em cada castelo. O jogo é jogado numa falsa vista isométrica 3D através de castelos multiplataforma. Quando Bentley recolhe todas as pedras preciosas de um nível, passa para o castelo seguinte, mais difícil. Bentley terá de evitar uma grande variedade de criaturas perigosas que vagueiam pelos níveis. Ocasionalmente, aparecerá um chapéu mágico. Se o Bentley apanhar o chapéu, ficará temporariamente invencível.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .