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Madden Nfl 94
Madden Nfl 94 - Megadrive - Console SEGA
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General Information
Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
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Madden Nfl 94
Game name (by Region)
Regions Information Proposed by
   Japon NFL Football '94
Continent Américain
   USA Madden NFL '94
Europe Madden NFL '94
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High Score Productions
Number of Players
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Sports / Football (American)
Release date(s)
Regions Information Proposed by
USA 18/02/1994
Europe 12/11/1993
Japon 18/02/1994
Languages Information Proposed by
Allemand Madden NFL '94 ist der dritte Teil der Madden-Serie von American Football-Spielen für das SNES. Es umfasst 80 Teams - darunter 28 Teams aus der Saison 1993, 38 Super Bowl-Teams aus den Jahren 1966-1991, 12 All Star-Franchise-Teams seit 1950 und zwei "All-Madden"-Teams: eines aus der Saison 1993 und eines aus einer Zeitspanne von 20 Jahren. Du kannst diese Teams in einem regulären Vorbereitungsspiel oder einem Sudden-Death-Overtime-Spiel spielen, oder die Teams von 1993 durch eine ganze Saison führen. Du kannst auch mit den Teams von 1993, den Super Bowl-Champions oder den All Star-Franchise-Teams in die Playoffs gehen. Im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Sportspielen erfolgt das Speichern einer Saison durch ein Passwort und nicht durch das Speichern der Daten in einem gespeicherten Spiel.
Anglais Madden NFL '94 is the third in the Madden series of football games for the SNES. It features 80 teams -- 28 teams from the 1993 season, 38 Super Bowl teams from 1966-1991, 12 All Star franchise teams since 1950, and two "All-Madden" teams: one for the 1993 season and one from a 20-year time span. You can play these teams in a regular exhibition game or sudden death overtime game, or take the 1993 teams through an entire season. You can also enter the playoffs with the 1993 teams, the Super Bowl champions, or the All Star franchise teams. Unlike many other sports games, saving a season is done by password rather than by storing the data into a saved game.
Espagnol Madden NFL '94 es el tercero en la serie Madden de juegos de fútbol para la SNES. Cuenta con 80 equipos: 28 equipos de la temporada 1993, 38 equipos del Super Bowl de 1966-1991, 12 equipos de la franquicia All Star desde 1950 y dos equipos "All-Madden". Puedes jugar estos equipos en un juego de exhibición regular o en un juego de muerte súbita, o llevar a los equipos de 1993 durante toda una temporada. También puedes ingresar a los playoffs con los equipos de 1993, los campeones del Super Bowl o los equipos de la franquicia All Star. A diferencia de muchos otros juegos deportivos, guardar una temporada se hace por contraseña en lugar de almacenar los datos en un juego guardado.
Français Madden NFL '94 est un jeu de football américain sur Megadrive. Cet opus propose quatre-vingt équipes officielles que vous pouvez choisir pour un match simple en exhibition ou pour jouer une saison entière jusqu'au célèbre Super Bowl. La sauvegarde de votre progression s'effectue au moyen de mots de passe.
Italien Madden NFL '94 è il terzo della serie Madden di giochi di calcio per SNES. Comprende 80 squadre: 28 squadre della stagione 1993, 38 squadre del Super Bowl dal 1966 al 1991, 12 squadre in franchising All Star dal 1950 e due squadre "All-Madden": una per la stagione 1993 e una da 20- arco di tempo dell'anno. Puoi giocare con queste squadre in una normale partita di esibizione o in una partita di straordinari per la morte improvvisa, o portare le squadre del 1993 per un'intera stagione. Puoi anche accedere ai playoff con le squadre del 1993, i campioni del Super Bowl o le squadre in franchising All Star. A differenza di molti altri giochi sportivi, il salvataggio di una stagione viene effettuato tramite password anziché archiviando i dati in una partita salvata.
Portugais Depois do sucesso dos jogos da série John Madden Football, a EA conseguiu a licença para utilizar a sigla da NFL em seus simuladores de futebol americano. E a estreia do novo título, agora chamado apenas de Madden NFL, foi em Madden NFL '94. Com a licença da liga, a EA permitiu que os jogadores disputassem toda uma temporada de 16 jogos regulares da liga americana, podendo controlar 80 times reais (28 equipes da temporada 1993/1994, 38 times do Super Bowl de 1966 a 1991, 12 equipes All-Star e dois times All-Madden) em partidas cheias de emoção e disputa.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .