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Giant Gram 2000 - All Japan Pro Wrestling 3 Brave Men Of Glory
Giant Gram 2000 - All Japan Pro Wrestling 3 Brave Men Of Glory - Naomi - Arcade SEGA
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Giant Gram 2000 - All Japan Pro Wrestling 3 Brave Men Of Glory
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   Japon Giant Gram 2000 - All Japan Pro Wrestling 3 Brave Men of Glory
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Allemand Giant Gram 2000 ist ein BRUTALES Arcade-Kampfspiel. Aber denken Sie nicht, dass dieses Spiel kein Wrestling-Spiel ist. Jeder Wrestler verfügt über eine große Anzahl an Bewegungen, die erlernt werden müssen. Da es sich um ein NAOMI-Arcade-Spiel handelt, ähnelt die Steuerung eher der eines 3D-Kampfspiels. Das kann viele Spieler abschrecken, aber es lohnt sich sehr, sich die Zeit zu nehmen, das System zu erlernen. Weil es in diesem Spiel viele Combos und Wrestling-Sequenzen gibt.
Anglais Giant Gram 2000 is a BRUTAL arcade fighting game. But don't let that make you think this game is not about wrestling.Each wrestler has a huge moveset that will take time and dedication to learn. Since this is a NAOMI arcade game, the controls most resemble those of a 3d fighter. This may discourage many players but is very rewarding if you take time to learn the system. Because there is this system, there are many combos and chain wrestling in this game. For instance, Misawa can strike his opponent with a right forearm off the grapple if you press up and X. However, if you hit X as Misawa connects with the first strike, Misawa will combo the first strike with a left forearm followed by another right. The combo system here reminds me of learning the classic combos of Street Fighter 2. Awesome stuff. Also button combinations can turn a standard German suplex into a DEVASTATING release German suplex or a German suplex into a bridging pin. Just hit the button at the right moment and a standard move will turn into a PUNISHING AND BRUTAL one. So many possibilities with this combination system.
Espagnol Giant Gram 2000 es un juego de arcade BRUTAL. Pero no dejes que eso te haga pensar que este juego no es acerca de wrestling.cada luchador tiene un enorme conjunto de movimientos que llevará tiempo y dedicación para aprender. Como se trata de un juego de arcade de NAOMI, los controles se parecen más a los de un caza 3D. Esto puede desanimar a muchos jugadores, pero es muy gratificante si se toma el tiempo para aprender el sistema. Debido a que existe este sistema, hay muchos combos y lucha en cadena en este juego.
Français Giant Gram 2000 est un jeu de combat d'arcade BRUTAL. Mais ne croyez pas que ce jeu n'est pas un jeu de catch. Chaque catcheur a un énorme set de mouvements qu il faudra apprendre. Puisque il s'agit d'un jeu d'arcade NAOMI, les contrôles plus ressemblent à ceux d'un jeu de combat 3D. Cela peut décourager beaucoup de joueurs, mais est très gratifiant de prendre le temps d'apprendre le système. Parce qu'il y a beaucoup de combos et d'enchaînements de catch dans ce jeu.
Italien Giant Gram 2000 è un BRUTAL picchiaduro arcade. Ma non lasciare che questo ti faccia pensare che questo gioco non riguardi il wrestling. Ogni wrestler ha un enorme set di mosse che richiederà tempo e dedizione per imparare. Poiché si tratta di un gioco arcade NAOMI, i controlli assomigliano di più a quelli di un combattente 3D. Questo può scoraggiare molti giocatori, ma è molto gratificante se ti prendi del tempo per imparare il sistema. Poiché c'è questo sistema, ci sono molte combo e lotte a catena in questo gioco.
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Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .