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Pinball Advance
Pinball Advance - Game Boy Advance - Console Portable Nintendo
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Pinball Advance
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Europe Pinball Advance
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Regions Information Proposed by
France 11/11/2002
Europe 18/10/2002
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Allemand Pinball Advance bietet die Flippertische Tarantula, Jailbreak und Daredevil, alle vollständig in glänzendem 3D gerendert und jeweils mit ihren eigenen exklusiven Einzel- und Multiball-Spielmodi. Der Tarantula-Tisch ermöglicht es angehenden Flipper-Zauberern, sich in das Versteck der Spinne zu wagen und sich ihren Weg auf die Anzeigetafel zu erkämpfen, ohne den Schrecken des Tisches zu überwinden. In Jailbreak müssen die Spieler dem Richter ihre Unschuld beweisen oder an den Gefängniswärtern vorbei fliehen. Schließlich ermöglicht The Daredevil den Spielern, ihr Risiko mit dem Rad des Todes und der Schleife des Feuers einzugehen.
Anglais Pinball Advance features the Tarantula, Jailbreak and Daredevil pinball tables, all fully rendered in shiny 3D and each with their own exclusive single and multiball game modes. The Tarantula table will allow budding pinball wizards to venture into the spider?s lair and fight their way onto the scoreboard overcoming the terror of the table. In Jailbreak, players will have to prove their innocence to the judge or escape past the prison guards. Finally, The Daredevil will let players take their chances with the Wheel of Death and The Loop of Fire.
Espagnol Pinball Advance presenta las mesas de pinball de la Tarantula, Jailbreak y Daredevil. Todas estas mesas perfectamente renderizadas en brillante 3D con los exclusivos modos multibola y bola única. La mesa de la Tarantula te permite crear magos del pinball para aventurarte en la guarida de la araña y luchar contra esta tenebrosa mesa y llegar a la lista de puntajes más altos. En Jailbreak, los jugadores tienen que probarle al juez su inocencia o escapar de los guardias de la prisión. Finalmente, el Daredevil le permite a los jugadores arriesgarse con la rueda de la muerte y el círculo de fuego.
Français Pinball Advance est un jeu de réflexion sur Gameboy Advance. Le soft propose 3 tables de flipper. Le Dare Devil qui exploite le thème des grosses cylindrées, le Jail Break qui a pour sujet l'évasion d'une prison, ou encore le Tarantula qui traite d'une grosse araignée.
Italien Pinball Advance presenta i tavoli da flipper Tarantula, Jailbreak e Daredevil, tutti completamente renderizzati in 3D brillante e ciascuno con le proprie esclusive modalità di gioco single e multiball. Il tavolo Tarantula consentirà ai maghi del flipper in erba di avventurarsi nella tana del ragno e farsi strada sul tabellone segnando sconfiggendo il terrore del tavolo. In Jailbreak, i giocatori dovranno dimostrare la loro innocenza al giudice o fuggire oltre le guardie carcerarie. Infine, The Daredevil permetterà ai giocatori di cogliere l'occasione con la Ruota della Morte e Il Circolo del Fuoco.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .