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Muhammad Ali Heavyweight Boxing
Muhammad Ali Heavyweight Boxing - Megadrive - Console SEGA
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Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
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Muhammad Ali Heavyweight Boxing
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Continent Américain
   USA Muhammad Ali Heavyweight Boxing
Europe Muhammad Ali Heavyweight Boxing
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Park Place Productions
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Sports / Boxing
Release date(s)
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France 1992
USA 1992
Europe 1992
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Allemand Der ewige Champion Muhammad Ali und neun fiktive Kämpfer spielen die Hauptrolle in diesem Boxspiel. Sie wählen einen Boxer und können in Einzelkämpfen oder einem Turnier antreten.
Die Boxer sind 2D-Sprites, aber der Ring ist dreidimensional und Sie können sich frei bewegen. Neben dem Grundmodus, in dem das Spiel allein den Arm jedes Schlages bestimmt, können Sie den Simulationsmodus aktivieren. In diesem Modus ist jede Taste für einen Arm zuständig und Sie müssen die Taste gedrückt halten, während Sie eine Richtung drücken, um die Höhe des Schlags einzustellen. Behalten Sie den Geschwindigkeitsbalken im Auge: Sie werden langsamer, wenn Sie viel getroffen werden.
Anglais Muhammad Ali Heavyweight Boxing, as the name implies, is a boxing game featuring the three-time World Heavyweight Champion. The game display 2D sprite-drawn boxers in a 3D ring (the so-called "FreeCam" 3D system), with the boxers moving around the ring in 360°.

One or two players can choose the number of rounds (up to 15), the round length (up to 5 minutes), the number of times a fighter must be taken down to be T.K.O. and the number of referee counts (up to 10). There are two game modes: exhibition (which can be played against the computer or one-on-one by two players) and the tournament mode (single player). Players can choose among nine fictional fighters plus Muhammad Ali himself.

There are two control types: arcade and simulation. In the arcade mode, the d-pad moves the boxer around, while the A button is used for jabs, the B button for defense and the C button for hard punches. In this mode, the game decides which of the boxer's arms will be used for each punch. In the simulation mode, the d-pad moves the player around. By holding the A button (for the left arm) or C button (for the right arm), the player can perform head jabs (by pressing up in the D pad), body jabs (by pressing down), body hooks (by pressing left) and body hooks (by pressing right). Holding the B button, the player can cover up (by pressing up), duck (by pressing down), sway left (by pressing left) and sway right (by pressing right). By pressing A and B together, the boxer performs an uppercut.

Each fighter has a power and a speed bar. As they get tired by fighting or get hurt, the bars decrease. The lower the bars, the slower or weaker the punches get, until the boxer is knocked down. By defending himself a boxer can regain power or speed. There's also a counter of punches landed at each side of the screen. If the fight ends with no winner, the judges decision is made by those numbers alone, regardless of how many times the fighters were taken down during the fight.

The game features digitized speech, including samples of Ali's voice.
Espagnol Muhammad Ali Heavyweight Boxing, como su nombre lo indica, es un juego de boxeo que presenta al tres veces campeón mundial de peso pesado. El juego muestra boxeadores 2D con sprites en un anillo 3D (el llamado sistema 3D "FreeCam"), con los boxeadores moviéndose alrededor del ring en 360 °. Uno o dos jugadores pueden elegir el número de rondas (hasta 15), la duración de la ronda (hasta 5 minutos), la cantidad de veces que un luchador debe ser derribado para ser T.K.O. y el número de conteos de árbitros (hasta 10). Hay dos modos de juego: exposición (que se puede jugar contra la computadora o uno a uno por dos jugadores) y el modo de torneo (solo jugador). Los jugadores pueden elegir entre nueve luchadores de ficción más el propio Muhammad Ali. Cada luchador tiene una potencia y una barra de velocidad. Cuando se cansan peleando o se lastiman, las barras disminuyen. Cuanto más bajas sean las barras, más lentos o más débiles serán los golpes, hasta que el boxeador sea derribado. Al defenderse, un boxeador puede recuperar poder o velocidad. También hay un contador de golpes aterrizados a cada lado de la pantalla. Si la pelea termina sin ningún ganador, la decisión de los jueces se toma solo por esos números, sin importar cuántas veces los combatientes fueron derribados durante la pelea. El juego presenta voz digitalizada, incluidas muestras de la voz de Ali.
Français Muhammad Ali's Heavyweight Boxing est un jeu de boxe sur Megadrive. Le joueur peut choisir d'incarner l'un des dix personnages et opter pour une jouabilité arcade ou simulation. Le mode exhibition permet à deux joueurs de s'affronter en déterminant le nombre de rounds, leur durée ou encore le nombre de KO à effectuer tandis que le mode tournoi se jouera exclusivement en solo.
Italien L'eterno campione Muhammad Ali e nove combattenti immaginari sono i protagonisti di questo gioco di boxe. Scegli un pugile e puoi giocare combattimenti singoli o un torneo.
I pugili sono sprite 2D, ma l'anello è tridimensionale e puoi muoverti liberamente. Oltre alla modalità base, in cui il gioco determina da solo il braccio di ogni colpo, puoi attivare la modalità simulazione. In questa modalità, ogni pulsante è responsabile di un braccio e devi tenere premuto il pulsante mentre premi una direzione per impostare l'altezza del colpo. Fai attenzione alla barra della velocità: rallenti se vieni scoperto troppo.
Portugais O eterno campeão Muhammad Ali e nove lutadores fictícios estrelam este jogo de boxe. Você escolhe um boxeador e pode disputar lutas isoladas ou um torneio.
Os boxeadores são sprites 2D, mas o ringue é tridimensional e você pode se mover livremente. Além do modo básico, em que o jogo determina sozinho o braço de cada golpe, você pode ativar o modo de simulação. Nesse modo, cada botão é responsável por um braço e você deve segurar o botão enquanto pressiona uma direção para definir a altura do golpe. Fique atento à barra de velocidade: você fica mais lento se apanhar muito.
General Information
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .