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NHL 99
NHL 99 - Nintendo 64 - Console Nintendo
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NHL 99
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Continent Américain
   USA NHL 99
Europe NHL 99
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MBL Research
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Sports / Hockey
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Regions Information Proposed by
USA 01/10/1998
Europe 30/11/1998
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Allemand Nach dem preisgekrönten NHL 98 arbeitete EA daran, eines der umfassendsten Eishockeyspiele auf dem Markt zu verbessern. Neben den üblichen und fast obligatorischen NHL-Kader-Updates wurde der internationale Modus, der erstmals in der vorherigen Version enthalten war, erweitert, sodass Spieler die IIHF-Regeln und die Spielfeldgröße auswählen können.
Anglais After the award-winning NHL 98, EA worked to improve what was considered to be one the most complete ice hockey games in the market. Along the usual and almost obligatory NHL roster updates, the International mode first featured in the previous version was expanded, allowing players to choose IIHF rules and rink size.

Graphically, the arena is more detailed with more rinkside features, and ice reflections, player faces were improved and stand more seamlessly into the model, enhanced motion capture result in better animated hits (with the ability to break the glass with a well-placed body check making a return), shots and saves, and finally an higher polygon count complete the graphic enhancements to the game.

As graphic changes aren't enough to make a game better, gameplay was also tweaked, with computer players being smarter, both in offense and defense. Shooting was tweaked (slap shots are easier to pull, players no longer skate in circles to do some backhand shots and must be facing the goal to shoot, particularly in one timers) and a new special move brings dekes, spin-o-ramas and the kind of moves Jagr, Fedorov and Selänne pull when one-on-one with the goalie. However, if the player gets too close to the crease, the referee might want to review the play in the new video goal judge, so the player must think twice before trying to pull a "Brett Hull". For newcomers to the sport, a new Beginner mode allows players to get used to the ice without having to concern with penalties or an overly strong opponent.

The season mode was also improved, with the players now having streaks that affect either positively or negatively his abilities. Debuting the Nashville Predators, players can either choose to play with their initial roster, or do a fantasy expansion draft.

Like in the previous year, Jim Hughson and Darryl Reaugh liven up matches with play by play and colour commentary.
Espagnol El juego de hockey más famoso es el Nintendo 64. ¡Combate a lo largo de las tablas, alimenta al hombre abierto, patrulla el hielo! Características del juego: * Palanca para principiantes: recoger y jugar !; * Estrategias de entrenamiento del ganador de Stanley Cup Marc Crawford; * Comentario de Bill Clement; * 5 modos de juego; * 18 mejores equipos internacionales; * Se actualizaron los Nashville Predators en la expansión de la lista de 1998.
Français NHL 99 est un jeu de sport sur Nintendo 64. Choisissez l'une des équipes de hockey disponibles et foncez sur la glace. Montrez vos talents et tentez des actions de folie pour obtenir des cartes offrant des bonus et bien d'autres choses encore.
Italien Dopo il pluripremiato NHL 98, EA ha lavorato per migliorare uno dei giochi di hockey più completi sul mercato. Accanto ai consueti e quasi obbligatori aggiornamenti del roster NHL, la modalità internazionale, inclusa per la prima volta nella versione precedente, è stata ampliata per consentire ai giocatori di scegliere le regole IIHF e le dimensioni del campo.
Portugais Como as mudanças gráficas não são suficientes para tornar um jogo melhor, a jogabilidade também foi ajustada, com os jogadores de computador sendo mais inteligentes, tanto no ataque quanto na defesa. As filmagens foram ajustadas (tiros de tiros são mais fáceis de puxar, os jogadores não patinam em círculos para fazer tiros de backhand e precisam enfrentar o objetivo de chutar, particularmente em um cronômetro) e um novo movimento especial traz deke, spin-o-ramas e o tipo de movimentos que Jagr, Fedorov e Selänne fazem quando estão cara-a-cara com o goleiro. No entanto, se o jogador se aproximar demais do vinco, o árbitro pode querer rever a jogada no novo juiz de gols, então o jogador deve pensar duas vezes antes de tentar puxar um "Brett Hull". Para os iniciantes no esporte, um novo modo Iniciante permite que os jogadores se acostumem ao gelo sem ter que se preocupar com penalidades ou com um adversário excessivamente forte.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .