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Street Fighter Alpha - Warriors' Dreams
Street Fighter Alpha - Warriors' Dreams - Capcom Play System - Arcade Capcom
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Street Fighter Alpha - Warriors' Dreams
Game name (by Region)
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   Japon Street Fighter Zero
Continent Américain
   Brésil Street Fighter Zero
   USA Street Fighter Alpha : Warriors' Dreams
Europe Street Fighter Alpha : Warriors' Dreams
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Fighting / 2D
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Monde 1995
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Allemand Street Fighter Zero (Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams in den USA) ist ein Kampfspiel von Capcom aus dem Jahr 1995, das ursprünglich für die Spielhallen veröffentlicht wurde. Es war das erste komplett neue Street Fighter-Spiel, das von Capcom seit der Veröffentlichung von Street Fighter II im Jahr 1991 produziert wurde. Der Arbeitstitel für das Spiel war Street Fighter Legends.
Das Spiel verfügt über mehrere neue Features, die das Super Combo-System aus Super Street Fighter II Turbo erweitern. Die Grafik ist in einem Cartoon-Stil gestaltet, ähnlich dem, den Capcom in Darkstalkers und X-Men: Children of the Atom einsetzt.
Die Handlung von Street Fighter Alpha spielt nach dem originalen Street Fighter, aber vor Street Fighter II. Daher enthält das Spiel jüngere Versionen etablierter Charaktere, sowie Charaktere aus dem originalen Street Fighter und Final Fight, und einige, die neu in der Serie sind.
Anglais The game introduces several new features, expanding on the Super Combo system previously featured in Super Street Fighter II Turbo, with graphics drawn in the same cartoonish style Capcom employed in Darkstalkers and X-Men: Children of the Atom.[2][3] The plot of Street Fighter Alpha is set after the original Street Fighter but before Street Fighter II and thus the game features younger versions of established characters, as well as characters from the original Street Fighter and Final Fight, and a few who are new to the series.
Espagnol El juego presenta varias características nuevas, ampliando en el sistema Super Combo anteriormente presentado en Super Street Fighter II Turbo, con gráficos dibujados en el mismo estilo caricaturesco de Capcom empleado en Darkstalkers y X-Men: Children of the Atom. La trama de Street Fighter Alpha se desarrolla después del Street Fighter original pero antes de Street Fighter II y, por lo tanto, el juego incluye versiones más jóvenes de personajes establecidos, así como personajes del Street Fighter original y Final Fight, y algunos que son nuevos en la serie.
Français Cet épisode est un renouveau dans la franchise : pour la première fois depuis Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (sorti en 1991) malgré les multiples versions sorties, les graphismes ont été entièrement refaits : les personnages comme Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, Sagat et Bison voyant leurs corps et tenues redessinés ; et le jeu accueille des nouveautés de gameplay : apparition des furies à 3 niveaux de puissance, maniabilité améliorée, nouveaux personnages et retour d'anciens du premier Street Fighter.
Italien Il gioco presenta diverse nuove funzionalità, espandendo il sistema Super Combo precedentemente introdotto in Super Street Fighter II Turbo, con una grafica disegnata nello stesso stile cartoon Capcom utilizzato in Darkstalkers e X-Men: Children of the Atom. La trama di Street Fighter Alpha è ambientata dopo l'originale Street Fighter ma prima di Street Fighter II e quindi il gioco include versioni più giovani di personaggi affermati, così come personaggi dell'originale Street Fighter e Final Fight, e alcuni che sono nuovi nella serie .
Portugais Street Fighter Zero (Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams nos EUA) é um jogo de luta de 1995 da Capcom lançado originalmente para os arcades. Foi o primeiro jogo totalmente novo de Street Fighter produzido pela Capcom desde o lançamento do Street Fighter II em 1991. O título de trabalho para o jogo foi Street Fighter Legends.
O jogo apresenta vários novos recursos, expandindo o sistema Super Combo anteriormente apresentado no Super Street Fighter II Turbo, com gráficos desenhados em um estilo caricatural semelhante ao que a Capcom emprega em Darkstalkers e X-Men: Children of the Atom.
O enredo de Street Fighter Alpha é situado após o Street Fighter original, mas antes de Street Fighter II e, portanto, o jogo apresenta versões mais jovens de personagens já estabelecidos, bem como personagens do Street Fighter e Final Fight originais, e alguns que são novos para a série.
General Information
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .