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Winning Post 2
Winning Post 2 - Super Nintendo - Console Nintendo
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Winning Post 2
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   Japon Winning Post 2
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Sports with animals
Horse racing
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Japon 18/03/1995
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Allemand Winning Post 2 ist das zweite Spiel der Pferderennen-Management-Simulationsserie von Koei, Winning Post. Sie wurde 1995 auf der Super Famicom, Sony PlayStation und Sega Saturn veröffentlicht. Der Spieler nimmt noch einmal einen Stall und züchtet Pferde, wobei er sie für Rennen trainiert. Das Spiel sah zwei aktualisierte Rereleases: Winning Post 2: Program '96 (veröffentlicht auf Saturn als Winning Post) und Winning Post 2: Final '97. Beide verbesserte Versionen wurden auf Saturn und PlayStation veröffentlicht, obwohl nur die erste eine Version von Super Famicom sah. Die Serie hatte 1998 mit Winning Post 3 eine entsprechende Fortsetzung.
Anglais Winning Post 2 is the second game in Koei's horseracing management sim series Winning Post. It was released on the Super Famicom, Sony PlayStation and Sega Saturn in 1995. The player once again takes over a stable and raises horses, training them for races.

The game saw two updated re-releases: Winning Post 2: Program '96 (released on the Saturn in the West as Winning Post) and Winning Post 2: Final '97. Both of these enhanced versions were released on the Saturn and PlayStation, though only the first saw a Super Famicom version. The series saw a proper sequel in 1998 with Winning Post 3.
Espagnol Winning Post 2 es el segundo juego de la serie de simulación de administración de carreras de caballos de Koei, Winning Post. Fue lanzado en la Super Famicom, Sony PlayStation y Sega Saturn en 1995. El jugador una vez más toma un establo y cría caballos, entrenándolos para las carreras. El juego vio dos relanzamientos actualizados: Winning Post 2: Program '96 ( publicado en Saturn como Winning Post) y Winning Post 2: Final '97. Ambas versiones mejoradas se lanzaron en Saturn y PlayStation, aunque solo la primera vio una versión de Super Famicom. La serie tuvo una secuela adecuada en 1998 con Winning Post 3.
Français Ce second Winning Post reprend les mêmes possibilités et est tout aussi gigantesque dans le nombre d'options qu'il met à la disposition du joueur mais son interface a totalement été revue. On y dirige son avatar comme dans un J-RPG en vue de dessus et au lieu de passer par des menus, on va parler directement à ses collaborateurs (éleveurs, comptable ...) ou on se rend aux écuries ou aux courses.
Italien Winning Post 2 è il secondo gioco della serie di simulazione manageriale di corse di cavalli di Koei, Winning Post. È stato rilasciato su Super Famicom, Sony PlayStation e Sega Saturn nel 1995. Il giocatore prende ancora una volta il controllo di una scuderia e alleva cavalli, addestrandoli per le corse.

Il gioco ha visto due riedizioni aggiornate: Winning Post 2: Program '96 (pubblicato su Saturn in the West come Winning Post) e Winning Post 2: Final '97. Entrambe queste versioni migliorate sono state rilasciate su Saturn e PlayStation, anche se solo la prima ha visto una versione per Super Famicom. La serie ha visto un vero e proprio sequel nel 1998 con Winning Post 3.
Portugais Winning Post 2 é o segundo jogo da série de simulação de gerenciamento de corridas de cavalos da Koei, Winning Post. Foi lançado para Super Famicom, Sony PlayStation e Sega Saturn em 1995. O jogador mais uma vez assume um estábulo e cria cavalos, treinando-os para corridas. O jogo teve dois relançamentos atualizados: Winning Post 2: Program '96 (lançado no Saturn como Winning Post) e Winning Post 2: Final '97. Ambas as versões aprimoradas foram lançadas no Saturn e no PlayStation, embora apenas o primeiro tenha visto uma versão Super Famicom. A série teve uma sequência adequada em 1998 com Winning Post 3.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .