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Nhl All-star Hockey '95
Nhl All-star Hockey '95 - Megadrive - Console SEGA
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Nhl All-star Hockey '95
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   USA NHL All-Star Hockey '95
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USA 1995
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Allemand NHL All-Star Hockey 95 ist ein Eishockeyspiel für Megadrive. Dank der offiziellen NHL-Lizenz kannst du alle deine Lieblingsteams finden und deinen Favoriten zum Sieg führen, indem du die Saison auf deine eigene Weise nachspielst. Ziehen Sie die Trainerjacke an und managen Sie Ihr Team nach Belieben, indem Sie während des Spiels Spieler auswechseln oder einwechseln.
Anglais NHL All-Star Hockey '95 is the standard hockey game complete with an NHL and NHLPA license complete with all 26 NHL teams and over 650 players from the 1993-94 NHL season including Mark Messier, Mario Lemieux, Jeremy Roenick and the Great One himself, Wayne Gretzky. The standard modes apply including Exhibition, Season and Playoffs which include the updated best-of-seven format. There is a battery back-up that allows players not only to save games but keep track of 15-types of stats and also features the voice talent of broadcasting legend, Marv Albert for in-game commentary.
Espagnol NHL All-Star Hockey '95 es el juego estándar de hockey completo con una licencia NHL y NHLPA completa con los 26 equipos NHL y más de 650 jugadores de la temporada NHL 1993-94 incluyendo Mark Messier, Mario Lemieux, Jeremy Roenick y el propio Great One Wayne Gretzky Se aplican los modos estándar, incluidos Exposición, Temporada y Playoffs, que incluyen el formato actualizado al mejor de siete. Hay una batería de respaldo que permite a los jugadores no solo guardar juegos, sino también hacer un seguimiento de 15 tipos de estadísticas y también cuenta con el talento de voz de la leyenda de la transmisión, Marv Albert para los comentarios del juego.
Français NHL All-Star Hockey 95 est un jeu de hockey sur glace sur Megadrive. Grâce à la licence officielle NHL, retrouvez toutes vos équipes favorites et emmenez votre préférée jusqu'à la victoire en rejouant la saison à votre manière. Endossez le blouson du coach et dirigez votre équipe comme vous l'entendez en effectuant des transferts de joueurs ou en décidant des remplacements pendant le match.
Italien NHL All-Star Hockey '95 è il gioco di hockey standard completo di licenza NHL e NHLPA completo di tutte le 26 squadre NHL e oltre 650 giocatori della stagione NHL 1993-94 tra cui Mark Messier, Mario Lemieux, Jeremy Roenick e lo stesso Great One , Wayne Gretzky. Si applicano le modalità standard, tra cui Esibizione, Stagione e Playoff, che includono il formato aggiornato al meglio delle sette. C'è una batteria di riserva che consente ai giocatori non solo di salvare le partite, ma di tenere traccia di 15 tipi di statistiche e presenta anche il talento vocale della leggenda della trasmissione, Marv Albert per i commenti in-game.
Portugais A Sega também mandou super bem em sua versão com as estrelas da NHL. O jogador tem à disposição os 26 times do campeonato com mais de 650 jogadores. A temporada completa coloca o jogador em 84 jogos em busca do título da temporada 94/95. São quinze modos de jogo nos quais as maiores estrelas do esporte estarão presentes para a alegria dos fãs.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .