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Championship Pool
Championship Pool - Megadrive - Console SEGA
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Championship Pool
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Continent Américain
   USA Championship Pool
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USA 1993
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Allemand Championship Pool ist ein Sport-Simulations-Videospiel aus dem Jahr 1993, das für Nintendo Entertainment System, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Game Boy, Mega Drive/Genesis und MS-DOS veröffentlicht wurde. Das Poolbillardspiel wurde von Bitmasters entwickelt und von Mindscape veröffentlicht. Das Spiel wurde offiziell vom Billiard Congress of America unterstützt.

Das Spiel ist eine einfache, virtuelle Version von Poolbillard und umfasst mehrere Spiele: Acht-Ball, Neun-Ball, Drei-Ball, Zehn-Ball, Fünfzehn-Ball, Straight Pool (14.1 kontinuierlich), Rotation, Equal Offense und Speed Pool. Der Spieler kann mit der Option "Party Pool" (Multiplayer) gegen den Computer oder bis zu sieben andere Spieler an derselben Konsole spielen. Weitere Spielmodi sind "Tournament" (Einzelspieler, Computergegner), "Freestyle" (Spieler stellen eigene Spielregeln auf) und "Challenge" (Einzelspieler, Stossübung).
Anglais Championship Pool is a pool game where players can 8-ball or 9-ball pool tournament that starts off with the BCA Regional Championship where the player must defeat 32 opponents in a first to four games match. If the player loses against any of the 32 opponents, they are then eliminated from the tournament. The winner of that then goes onto the World Championship.

All of the gameplay is done from a top down view of the table. The player moves an icon to indicate location they want to hit the ball too. To aid in the aiming, a ghost of the cue ball and the first ball that is hit is repetitively played out to show the path of the hit ball. With the all the shots there is a very small margin of error, but this is only notable when a long shot is played or a shot from a sharp angle and the ghost balls will randomly play out all the possible occurrences. The player can also change the power and spin of the played shot with the ghost balls will updating to show the outcome of those changes.

There are 4 different game modes that can be chosen, each with a different set of pool games. The different game modes and there games are:

1. Tournament: The player must defeat 32 different players in a first to four knockout tournament in 8-ball or 9-ball pool before going on to the World Championship. During the tournament the opponent is never actually is seen playing there shots. Instead, when it is the opponents turn, it cuts to an image of the player with a caption and then returns the control to the player with some balls removed and moved. This way the opponent can finish the game within 4 turns regardless of if they where snookered or not.

2. Challenge: It has many different pool games that are played, all with one player without an opponent. The games are:

1. 14.1 Challenge – After the break the ball is placed anywhere at the top of the table behind the line. At that point, the player can hit any ball but once the fails to hit a ball in a hole the game is over. If there is only one ball left on the table the rest of the balls are re-racked and play continues. At the end score is given based on the number of balls that where hit in the holes. The score are tallied up over 5 games to get the total score.

2. Eight Ball - After the break the ball is placed anywhere at the top of the table behind the line. The player must hit all the chosen set of balls (stripes or solids) and the 8-ball in one turn. The score is based on how many balls where hit in.

3. Nine Ball - After the break the ball is placed anywhere at the top of the table behind the line. The player must hit the 9 ball in one turn. The score is based on how many balls where hit in.

4. Equal Offence – Same as 14.1 Challenge but there is only one game played.

5. Three Pool – Only have 3 balls on the table. Score is based on how many shots it takes to get all three balls in with lower been better.

6. Speed Pool – Objective is to hit all the balls in as quickly as possible as a timer is timing how long the game takes. Any ball can be hit at any time and the player can miss the shot and not be penalised (other than taking longer).

3. Party: It has many different multiplayer pool games that are played with ether just 2 or 2 to 8 human players. The games are:

1. Eight Ball (2 Players) – A standard eight ball game with the players taking turns to play.

7. Nine Ball (2-8 Players) – A standard nine ball game with up to 8 players taking turns. First player to get the 9-ball in wins.

8. 14.1 Continuous (2 Players) – Players can hit any ball in for a point. If a shot is missed then other player plays. If there is only one ball on the table the pocketed balls are re-racked. Play continues until one of the players reaches the score chosen at the start of the game.

9. Ten Ball (2-8 Players) – Same as Nine Ball except with 10 balls.

10. Rotation (2-8 Players) – Only the lowest ball can be hit and the score for getting a ball in is the value of the ball (e.g. 8-ball is 8 points). Player with the highest score at the end of the game wins.

11. Straight Pool (2 Players) – Same as 14.1 Continuous but the player with the highest score after one game wins.

12. Equal Offence (2-8 Players) – Same as Equal Offence in challenge mode but players can take turns to beat each others score.

13. Fifteen Ball (2-8 Players) – Same as Rotation except that any ball can be hit not just the lowest.

14. One Pocket (2 Players) – The two players are given one of the two pockets at the end of the table. The player must hit all the balls in there nominated pocket with the one with the most balls wins.

Three Ball (2-8 Players) – Same as Three Ball in challenge mode but players can take turns to beat each other’s score.

15. Speed Ball (2-8 Players) – Same as Speed Ball in challenge mode but players can take turns to beat each other’s score.

4. Freestyle: Lets the player practice with no opponent, no penalties, the ability to move any ball to the desired location (or remove by throwing the ball in the pocket), and the ability to place potted balls back on the table.
Espagnol Aquí tienes un juego de billar para jugar contra tus amigos - sin trucos - con riffs de rock 'n' roll bailando en tus tímpanos. Todas las emociones de uno de los juegos más populares del mundo es tuyo cuando quieras y nunca tendrás que esperar una mesa. Championship Pool te ofrece toda la emoción del juego de billar puro, con características únicas que no puedes encontrar en ningún otro producto de billar electrónico. Y este juego de billar está oficialmente respaldado por el Billiard Congress of America. Sumérgete contra la consola o desafía hasta 7 oponentes humanos usando la opción Party Pool. ¿Crees que eres un tiburón? Pruebe el Modo Torneo, donde sólo los mejores jugadores califican para el torneo del campeonato mundial. ¡Juega a 8 bolas, 9 bolas, o más de 15 juegos diferentes!
Français Championship Pool est un jeu de billard américain sur Megadrive. Un mode entraînement permet d'ajuster ses frappes pour être préparé lors des tournois. Il est également possible de faire des parties simples à deux ou jusqu'à huit joueurs. Un mode challenge propose enfin de réaliser certains coups précis, à réserver aux professionnels.
Italien Ecco un altro gioco di biliardo da giocare contro i tuoi amici - senza trucchi - con riff rock 'n' roll che ti ballano sui timpani. Tutte le emozioni di uno dei giochi più amati al mondo sono tue quando vuoi e non dovrai mai aspettare un tavolo. Championship Pool ti offre tutta l'emozione del puro gioco del biliardo, con caratteristiche uniche che non puoi trovare in nessun altro prodotto di biliardo elettronico. E questo gioco di biliardo è ufficialmente approvato dal Billiard Congress of America. Tuffati contro la console o sfida fino a 7 avversari umani usando l'opzione Party Pool. Pensi di essere uno squalo? Prova la modalità Torneo, dove solo i migliori giocatori si qualificano per il torneo del campionato mondiale. Gioca a 8 palline, 9 palline o più di 15 giochi diversi!
Portugais Championship Pool é um jogo de bilhar onde os jogadores podem fazer um torneio de Bola 8 ou de Bola 9 que começa com o Campeonato Regional BCA onde o jogador deve vencer 32 adversários numa partida de primeiro a quatro jogos. Se o jogador perder contra qualquer um dos 32 adversários, ele será eliminado do torneio. O vencedor daquele então vai para o Campeonato Mundial.

Toda a jogabilidade é feita a partir de uma visão top-down da mesa. O jogador move um ícone para indicar o local que ele quer bater na bola. Para auxiliar na mira, um fantasma da bola e a primeira bola que é atingida são jogadas repetidamente para mostrar o caminho da bola atingida. Com todos as tacadas, há uma margem de erro muito pequena, mas isso só é notável quando uma tacada longa é feita ou uma tacada de um ângulo afiado e as bolas fantasmas jogarão aleatoriamente todas as ocorrências possíveis. O jogador também pode alterar o poder e o giro (efeito) da tacada com as bolas fantasmas atualizando para mostrar o resultado dessas mudanças.

Existem 4 modos de jogo diferentes que podem ser escolhidos, cada um com um conjunto diferente de jogos de bilhar. Os diferentes modos de jogo e os jogos são:

1. Torneio: O jogador deve derrotar 32 jogadores diferentes em um torneio de primeiro a quatro jogos em Bola 8 ou Bola 9 antes de ir para o Campeonato Mundial. Durante o torneio, o oponente nunca é visto fazendo as tacadas. Em vez disso, quando é a vez do oponente, corta pra uma imagem do jogador com uma legenda e depois retorna o controle ao jogador com algumas bolas removidas e movidas. Desta forma, o adversário pode terminar o jogo dentro de 4 turnos, independentemente de se encontrarem ou não.

2. Desafio: Tem muitos jogos de bilhar diferentes que são jogados, todos com um jogador sem oponente. Os jogos são: Desafio 14+1, Bola 8, Bola 9, Equal Offence, Three Pool, Speed ??Pool

3. Festa: Tem muitos jogos de multijogador diferentes que são jogados com apenas 2 jogadores ou de 2 a 8 jogadores humanos. Os jogos são: Bola 8 (2 Jogadores), Bola 9 (2-8 Jogadores), 14+1 (2 Jogadores), Bola 10 (2-8 Jogadores), Rotation (2-8 Jogadores), Straight Pool (2 Jogadores) Equal Offence (2-8 Jogadores), Fifteen Ball (2-8 Jogadores), One Pocket (2 Jogadores), Three Ball (2-8 Jogadores), Speed ??Ball (2-8 Jogadores)

4. Estilo Livre: Permite que o jogador pratique com nenhum oponente, sem penalidades, a capacidade de mover qualquer bola para o local desejado (ou remover jogando a bola na bolsa) e a capacidade de colocar bolas na bolsa de volta à mesa.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .