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Alex Kidd In Miracle World
Alex Kidd In Miracle World - Master System - Console SEGA
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Alex Kidd In Miracle World
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   Japon Alex Kidd no Miracle World
Continent Américain
   USA Alex Kidd in Miracle World
Europe Alex Kidd in Miracle World
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Europe 01/09/1987
USA 01/12/1986
Japon 01/11/1986
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Allemand Vor vielen Jahrhunderten lebte auf dem Planeten Aries ein Junge namens Alex Kidd. Er verbrachte sieben Jahre auf Mount Eternal, um die Kunst, Felsen zu zertrümmern, auch Shellcore genannt, zu erlernen. Bei der Rückkehr in seine Heimat fand er einen sterbenden Mann, der ihm berichtete, dass seine Heimatstadt Radaxian in großer Gefahr ist. Bevor er starb, gab er Alex ein Stück Landkarte und ein Sonnenstein-Medaillon.

Es gibt elf Orte die Alex erforschen muss, jeder einzelne mit einzigartigen Gefahren. An jedem dieser Orte kann Alex Säcke voller Münzen finden, welche er nutzen kann um sich hilfreiche Items in den Shops zu kaufen (z.B. Motorrad, Helikopter usw.) Auch gibt es Fallen, welche Alex meiden muss, wie den Geist der ihn jagt. Des Weiteren kann er einen Telepathie-Ball finden, mit welchem er die Gedanken der Menschen lesen kann.

Alex findet heraus, dass Janken der Große, Herrscher des Planeten Janbarik, zusammen mit seinen Gefolgsleuten die schöne Stadt Radaxian erobern und für immer beherrschen will. Er reist in die Miracle World, um Janken und seine bösen Diener zu besiegen. Er besiegt alle seine Diener einmal, aber als er das Radaxian-Schloss erreicht und seinen Bruder rettet, ist Janken noch unterwegs, das Mondstein-Medaillon vom Nibana-Königreich zu stehlen. Er erfährt da auch, dass die Diener von Janken noch nicht endgültig besiegt sind. Als Alex das Nibana-Königreich erreicht, findet er heraus, dass Janken das Mondstein-Medaillon bereits gestohlen hat. Er folgt ihm bis zu seinem Schloss, wo er seine Mutter findet. Er besiegt Janken, nimmt das Mondstein-Medaillon und rettet seine Mutter. Endgültig findet er die ?Krone?, mit dem er alle gesteinerten Menschen wieder normal macht. Da aber sein Vater nicht gefunden ist, wird sein Bruder der neue König.
Anglais Many centuries ago, on the planet Aries, there lived a boy called Alex Kidd. For seven years, he lived on Mt. Eternal studying Shellcore, an ancient art that makes one strong enough to break rocks into pieces. As he was leaving the mountain one day to travel to his spiritual homeland, a dying man told him that the peaceful city of Radactian was in grave danger. Before taking his last breath, the man gave Alex a piece of a map and a medallion made of Sun Stone.

There are eleven locations in which Alex must explore, each of them has its own unique dangers. In each location, Alex can collect bags of coins, which can be used to buy items at the shop and are used to help Alex get through each location (eg: motorcycle, peticopter, power bracelet, etc.) There are also traps that Alex must avoid like the ghost that chases him. He can also collect the Telepathy Ball that will help him read people's minds.

Later, Alex learns that in order to save Radactian from destruction, he must first defeat Janken the Great, Emperor of the planet Janbarik (he got his name from his expertise at the game of Janken -- or what people call "scissors, paper, stone" in the Western World. Janken has sent his henceman all over Radactian to prepare the game for Alex as he passes by them. In order to get past them, Alex must win three times at Janken. If he loses, he is turned to stone and vanished from Radactian forever. Later on in the game, Alex must play with the same henceman, but only this time, when Alex wins, they decide to play dirty.

Alex uses his fists to wipe out some of Janken's enemies such as birds, sea horses, bats, monkeys, frogs, and a few others. If his quest to save Radactian from the evil hands of Janken becomes difficult, he can instead use the power bracelet to perform the "Shocking Waves of Destruction", an ancient trick in the art of Shellcore.

Before Alex comes face-to-face with Janken, he should rescue his brother, Egle, from imprisonment, and get the letter and two medallions.
Espagnol Hace muchos siglos en el planeta Aries, vivía un chico llamado Alex Kidd. Durante siete años vivió en el Monte Eterno estudiando Shellcore, un arte antiguo que le hace a uno tan fuerte que puede romper rocas haciéndolas añicos.
Un día, mientras abandonaba la montaña, encontró a un hombre moribundo que le dijo que la pacífica ciudad de Radaxian estaba en un grave peligro. Antes de que exhalara su último aliento, el hombre le dió a Alex un trozo de mapa y un medallón hecho de la piedra del sol.
¿Qué significa todo esto? La única forma de descubrirlo es viajando a través del Mundo Milagroso buscando las respuestas.
Français Dans le pays de Raxadian, Janken le Grand fait régner la terreur. Prince du royaume, Alex Kidd décide de partir lutter contre lui afin de sauver son peuple mais aussi son frère. Ce jeu de plates-formes sur Master System offre 17 niveaux dans lesquels Alex Kidd doit combattre de nombreux ennemis, et acheter de nouveaux véhicules et vies supplémentaires. Originalité : les combats contre les Boss se jouent à pierre-feuille-ciseau !
Italien La trama narra di Alex Kidd, un ragazzo che è alla ricerca di suo fratello Egle (qualche volta anche chiamato "Igul"), catturato dal malvagio "Janken the Great" ("Janken il Grande" - Janken è anche in rōmaji il nome per la morra cinese, che ha un ruolo importante nel gioco per sconfiggere i capi nemici). Durante il gioco Alex Kidd si trova a dover combattere contro molti mostri, tra cui tre tirapiedi di Janken che si rivelerà solo alla fine del gioco dopo sedici livelli.

Molti secoli or sono, viveva sul pianeta Aries un bimbo chiamato Alex Kidd. Visse per sette anni sul Monte Eterno applicandosi nell'arte della Shellcore, una disciplina che rende forti al punto di poter frantumare la roccia. Un giorno Alex decise di lasciare il monte per raggiungere la sua patria spirituale. Nel corso del viaggio incontrò un vecchio morente che lo informò che la pacifica città di Radaxian era in serio pericolo. Prima di esalare l'ultimo respiro, l'uomo diede ad Alex un brandello di mappa ed un medaglione fatto con la Pietra del Sole. Si scoprirà ben presto che chi sta minacciando la città di Radaxian è un tiranno chiamato Janken il Grande, imperatore del pianeta Janbarik, che vuole conquistare la Terra del Prodigi.
Portugais Seu nome é Alex Kidd. Você tem uma coragem invejável e um golpe de caratê tão forte que é capaz de despedaçar rochas. Sua missão: salvar Radactian, uma cidade que está em perigo. Mas há uma armadilha: como chegar até lá? Suas únicas dicas são um mapa muito confuso e um medalhão. Será que você consegue decifrar este enigma? Enfrente os obstáculos, descubra os segredos ao longo da caminhada, e prepare-se para grandes aventuras. Este é um desafio para poucos e Alex Kidd é um deles!
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Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

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Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .