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Mystic Defender (mega-tech)
Mystic Defender (mega-tech) - Mega-Tech - Arcade SEGA
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Mystic Defender (mega-tech)
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Monde Mystic Defender (mega-tech)
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Platform / Fighter Scrolling
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Monde 1989
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Allemand Mystic Defender ist ein Plattformspiel mit seitlichem Scrollen. Dies ist die Fortsetzung von SpellCaster für das Sega Master System. In dieser Fortsetzung wurden jedoch die RPG-Elemente zugunsten eines Side-Scroll-Plattform-Gameplays weggelassen. In diesem Spiel spielst du als Joe Yamata (Kujaku) auf einer Mission, um Alexandra vor dem Bösewicht Zao zu retten, der seine Seele benutzt, um seinen Meister Zareth in Azuchi Castle wiederzubeleben. Du hast vier Arten von Magie zum Angreifen, und du kannst deine Explosionen laden und die Art der Magie während des Spiels ändern.
Anglais Mystic Defender is a side-scrolling platform game. It is the sequel to SpellCaster for the Sega Master System. However, in this sequel the RPG elements have been omitted in favour of side-scrolling platform gameplay.
nnIn this game you play Joe Yamata (Kujaku) on a quest to rescue Alexandra from the villainous Zao, who is using her soul to resurrect his master Zareth in Azuchi castle. You have four types of magic to attack with and you can charge your blasts as well as change the magic type mid-game.
Français Mystic Defender est un jeu de plateforme à défilement latéral. C'est la suite de SpellCaster pour le Sega Master System. Cependant, dans cette suite, les éléments RPG ont été omis au profit d'un gameplay de plate-forme à défilement latéral. Dans ce jeu, vous incarnez Joe Yamata (Kujaku) en mission pour sauver Alexandra du méchant Zao, qui utilise son âme pour ressusciter son maître Zareth au château d'Azuchi. Vous avez quatre types de magie pour attaquer, et vous pouvez charger vos explosions et changer le type de magie en cours de partie.
Italien Mystic Defender è un gioco platform a scorrimento laterale. È il seguito di SpellCaster per Sega Master System. Tuttavia, in questo sequel gli elementi RPG sono stati omessi a favore del gameplay platform a scorrimento laterale.
nnIn questo gioco interpreti Joe Yamata (Kujaku) in una missione per salvare Alexandra dal malvagio Zao, che sta usando la sua anima per resuscitare il suo maestro Zareth nel castello di Azuchi. Hai quattro tipi di magia con cui attaccare e puoi caricare le tue esplosioni e cambiare il tipo di magia a metà partita.
Portugais Mystic Defender é um jogo de plataforma de rolagem lateral. É a sequência de SpellCaster para o Sega Master System. No entanto, nesta sequência, os elementos de RPG foram omitidos em favor da jogabilidade de plataforma de rolagem lateral. Neste jogo, você joga como Joe Yamata (Kujaku) em uma missão para resgatar Alexandra do malvado Zao, que usa sua alma para ressuscitar seu mestre Zareth no Castelo Azuchi. Você tem quatro tipos de magia para atacar e pode carregar suas explosões e mudar o tipo de magia durante o jogo.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .