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Empire Strikes Back, The
Empire Strikes Back, The - Atari Classics - Arcade Atari
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Empire Strikes Back, The
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Continent Américain
   USA The Empire Strikes Back
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Shooter / Plane, FPV
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Monde 1985
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Anglais The third arcade outing based on the legendary trilogy of films; "Empire Strikes Back" eschews Jedi's Zaxxon-inspired gameplay and returns once more to the 3D vector graphics of the first game. Empire features four stages of play, with the first two putting the player in control "Luke Skywalker's" SnowSpeeder, and the second two in control of "Han Solo's" Millennium Falcon.

The first level, Probots, takes place on the ice planet of Hoth, with the player flying the Snowspeeder over the planet's surface to find and destroy the Empire's search droids that are sending signals to the Empire warning them of the rebels' presence.
The second Snowspeeder stage sees the player taking on the Empire's "AT-AT" Imperial walkers, as well as a number of smaller, bi-pedal "AT-ST" walkers. On this level, as well as the standard guns, the Snowspeeder is armed with a limited number of harpoons; these can be fired at the AT-AT's legs to send them crashing to the ground. AT-ATs can also be destroyed by shooting a small, highlighted area on the AT-ATs' head.
The third level has the player piloting the Millennium Falcon and is a repeat of the original game's in-space Tie Fighter battle.
For the fourth and final level the player must pilot the Millennium Falcon safely through a densely packed and fast-moving asteroid field.

Bonus points can be earned by destroying a certain number of targets. A JEDI letter will also be awarded in addition to the bonus points. Once all the letters that spell the word 'JEDI' have been awarded, players will have attained true JEDI FORCE, making them invincible to the Empire's forces for a limited amount of time.

In all levels of play, collisions with objects and enemy shots will cause damage to the player's deflector shields.
Espagnol El juego arcade de Atari Games basado en la segunda película de Star Wars presenta cuatro secuencias de acción inspiradas en la película. El estilo gráfico es similar al del primer juego de Star Wars, usando gráficos vectoriales con una perspectiva en primera persona.

La 1º secuencia tiene lugar en el planeta de hielo Hoth, donde el jugador debe destruir los droides de la sonda Imperial. Los droides envían transmisiones al Imperio que también pueden ser atacadas y destruidas. Una vez que se han enviado suficientes transmisiones, el Imperio ataca.
En la 2º secuencia, el jugador tiene que defenderse de los AT-AT Imperiales, ya sea disparando un número limitado de cables de remolque a sus pies o apuntando a una pequeña área de su cabeza con láseres. Pero tarde o temprano, el generador de energía de la base rebelde será destruido y comenzará la evacuación.
En la 3º secuencia, el Halcón Milenario tiene que destruir a los TIE en el espacio.
En la 4º secuencia, el Halcón debe navegar a través de un campo de asteroides, evitando colisiones.
Una vez que las 4 secciones han sido completadas, el juego se reinicia con un nivel de dificultad más alto.
Français The Empire Strikes Back: Un jeu de combat spatial avec quatre scénarios différents par niveau. Le jeu utilise plusieurs musiques et dialogues du film l'empire contre-attaque.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .