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Power Drift
Power Drift - Sega Classics - Arcade SEGA
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Power Drift
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Monde Power Drift
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Racing TPV
Racing, Driving
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Monde 1988
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Allemand Power Drift ist ein schnelles, rundenbasiertes Rennspiel, bei dem die Spieler auf einer von fünf verschiedenen Strecken fahren, die jeweils aus fünf Etappen bestehen. Die Strecken im Spiel haben Achterbahncharakter, mit steilen Anstiegen, plötzlichen Gefällen und engen Schikanen. Es ist auch möglich, von vielen der höher gelegenen Streckenabschnitte zu stürzen, wodurch Ihr Auto auf den Boden fällt und Sie wertvolle Sekunden verlieren. Jedes Rennen geht über vier Runden, und die Spieler müssen mindestens den dritten Platz erreichen, um in die nächste Runde zu kommen. Wenn man weniger als Platz 3 erreicht, ist das Spiel vorbei, aber die Spieler können weitere Credits eingeben, um in der aktuellen Phase weiterzufahren.
Power Drift is a fast-moving lap-based racing game in which players choose to race on one of five different circuits, each made up of five stages. The game's tracks have a 'roller-coaster' feel to them, with steep climbs, sudden drops and tight chicanes. It's also possible to fall from many of the higher, raised sections of a track, sending the car crashing to the ground below and losing valuable seconds. Each race takes place over four laps and players must finish in 3rd place or better to progress to the next stage. Finishing lower than third place results in a 'game over' but players can insert more credits to continue from the current stage.

In addition to its twisting, abstract courses, Power Drift also features a tilting axis; as players steer left and right, the screen display mirrors the controller's movements and tilts on its axis (in a fashion similar to another Sega game, "After Burner"). The game's difficulty level is determined by the type of car the player chooses to race with. The RED car (with bigger wheels) sets the difficulty level at 'easy', the BLUE car at 'normal', the ORANGE car at 'hard' and GREY car at 'hardest'.

The game's five circuits are labelled from A to E, with each having its own visual theme (for example, circuit A is city-based, circuit B desert-based, circuit C beach-based etc.)

The circuits and their corresponding stages are:
Course A - Springfield Ovalshape, Foofy Hilltop, Snowhill Drive, Octopus Oval, Curry De Parl
Course B - Swingshot City, Phantom Riverbend, Octangular Ovalshape, Charlotte Beach, Highland Spheres
Course C - Bum Beach, Jason Bendyline, Nighthawk City, Zanussi Island, Wasteman Freefall
Course D - Mexico Colours, Oxygen Desert, Jamie Road, Monaco Da Farce, Blow Hairpin
Course E - Aisthorpe Springrose Valley, Patterson Nightcity, Lydia Rightaway, Bungalow Ridgeway, Karen Longway

"Power Drift" features two hidden bonus courses. Finishing in first place on all tracks of courses B and D will allow players will get to race a special track using the bike from Sega's classic 1985 racer, "Hang-On". Finish first on all five tracks of any given group (A to E) and players will get to race a special track using the jet from "After Burner".

Each course has its own theme song, and they are as follows:
Course A - Side Street
Course B - Like the Wind
Course C - Silent Language
Course D - Adjustment Mind
Course E - Artistic Traps
Français Un jeu de course en 3D. possédant 25 pistes, de nombreux pilotes, sauts, ponts, etc.
Italien Power Drift è un gioco di corse basato sul giro veloce in cui i giocatori scelgono di correre su uno dei cinque diversi circuiti, ognuno composto da cinque fasi. Le piste del gioco hanno una sensazione di "montagne russe", con salite ripide, cadute improvvise e chicane strette. È anche possibile cadere da molte delle sezioni più alte e rialzate di una pista, mandando l'auto a schiantarsi al suolo sottostante e perdere secondi preziosi. Ogni gara si svolge su quattro giri e i giocatori devono finire al 3 ° posto o meglio per passare alla fase successiva. Finire sotto il terzo posto comporta un "game over", ma i giocatori possono inserire più crediti per continuare dalla fase corrente.
General Information
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .