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Bit Generations - Boundish
Bit Generations - Boundish - Game Boy Advance - Console Portable Nintendo
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Bit Generations - Boundish
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   Japon bit Generations : Boundish
Continent Américain
   USA bit Generations : Boundish
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Sports / Table tennis
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Japon 13/07/2006
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Allemand bit Generations: Boundish ist ein Game Boy Advance Videospiel, das im Juli 2006 veröffentlicht wurde. Es wurde als Teil der bit Generations-Spiele veröffentlicht, und wurde nur in Japan veröffentlicht. Das Spiel kann leicht mit dem Spiel Pong verglichen werden, obwohl es viele Gameplay-Unterschiede, grafische Verbesserungen (obwohl die Grafiken selbst absichtlich primitiv sind) und Sounds aufweist.

Im Spiel übernimmst du die Kontrolle über zwei Schläger, die sich jeweils bewegen, wenn der andere es tut. Ziel ist es, den Ball innerhalb des Spielfelds zu halten. Wenn Sie ihm erlauben, das Spielfeld zu verlassen, ist das Spiel vorbei. Insgesamt gibt es fünf Etappen, die alle unterschiedliche Konzepte enthalten, aber alle das gleiche Ziel haben. In Wild Go Round steuern Sie zum Beispiel einen Ball auf einer sich bewegenden Schallplatte. Da sich die Platte bewegt, ändert sie in entscheidenden Momenten die Richtung des Balls, so dass der Spieler schnell sein und angemessen handeln muss. Insgesamt umfasst das Spiel die Modi Pool Flower, Box Juggling, Power Slide, Human League und Wild Go Round. Spieler, die im Mehrspielermodus spielen möchten, können sich mit nur einer einzigen Cartridge mit einem anderen Game Boy Advance verbinden. Im Mehrspielermodus stehen alle Stages außer Box Juggling zur Verfügung.
Anglais bit Generations: Boundish is a Game Boy Advance video game released in July of 2006. It was released as part of the bit Generations games, and was only released in Japan. The game can be easily compared to the game Pong, though it features many gameplay differences, graphical enhancements (despite the graphics themselves being deliberately primitive), and sounds.

In the game, you'll take control of two paddles, each moving when the other one does. The goal is to keep the ball within the playing field. Allowing it to exit will result in a gameover. In all, there are five stages, each one containing different concepts though having the basic overall objective. For example, in the Wild Go Round you'll control a ball on a moving record. Because the record is moving, it'll alter the direction of the ball at pivotal moments, which will require the player to be quick on his feet and act appropriately. In all, the game's modes include Pool Flower, Box Juggling, Power Slide, Human League, and Wild Go Round. For players who wish to play multiplayer they can link with another Game Boy Advance with just a single cartridge. In multiplayer, all of the stages excluding Box Juggling are available for play.
Français bit Generations: Boundish is a Game Boy Advance video game released in July of 2006. It was released as part of the bit Generations games, and was only released in Japan. The game can be easily compared to the game Pong, though it features many gameplay differences, graphical enhancements (despite the graphics themselves being deliberately primitive), and sounds.

In the game, you'll take control of two paddles, each moving when the other one does. The goal is to keep the ball within the playing field. Allowing it to exit will result in a gameover. In all, there are five stages, each one containing different concepts though having the basic overall objective. For example, in the Wild Go Round you'll control a ball on a moving record. Because the record is moving, it'll alter the direction of the ball at pivotal moments, which will require the player to be quick on his feet and act appropriately. In all, the game's modes include Pool Flower, Box Juggling, Power Slide, Human League, and Wild Go Round. For players who wish to play multiplayer they can link with another Game Boy Advance with just a single cartridge. In multiplayer, all of the stages excluding Box Juggling are available for play.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .