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Enduro Racer
Enduro Racer - Master System - Console SEGA
General Information
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General Information
Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
Information Proposed by
Enduro Racer
Game name (by Region)
Regions Information Proposed by
   Japon Enduro Racer
Continent Américain
   Brésil Super Cross
   USA Enduro Racer
Europe Enduro Racer
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Motorcycle race TPV
Racing, Driving
Release date(s)
Regions Information Proposed by
Japon 18/05/1987
USA 1987
Europe 1987
Languages Information Proposed by
Allemand Enduro Racer ist ein Offroad-Rennspiel, in dem der Spieler ein Cross-Motorrad durch extrem hügelige und verwinkelte Strecken steuert. Jede Strecke ist mit Holzstöcken, Felsen, Bäumen und Gegnern bedeckt, die übersprungen oder umfahren werden müssen. Sprünge sind nur an bestimmten Stellen auf jeder Strecke möglich. An diesen Stellen befindet sich eine Rampe, die sich über die gesamte Breite der Rennstrecke erstreckt. Die Spieler müssen sich im "Wheelie" befinden, wenn die Rampe erreicht wird, und das Motorrad wird in die Luft katapultiert. Wenn sich das Motorrad nicht im "Wheelie" befindet, wird die Rampe zwar überfahren, aber das Motorrad landet auf dem Vorderrad und stürzt ab.
Anglais In this game you play the role of an endurance bike racer. The gameplay involves you racing against the clock to get to the finish line and jumping over ramps. At the end of each race you get points for how many cars or bikes you have overtaken with which you can upgrade your bike.
There are various different terrain for you to race on including desert beach and dirt tracks plus a number of things to slow you down or even knock you off of your bike all together. The main idea is to find the best route through each level to shave off valuable seconds in order to over take more cars and bikes.

The Japanese version of the game has more Tracks than the European and US versions have. Among them is a snow track which is one of the hardest tracks in the game, because there is a lot of stones on the thin road.
Espagnol Enduro Racer es un juego de carreras todoterreno en el que el jugador conduce una moto de cross por pistas extremadamente accidentadas y sinuosas. Cada carrera está cubierta de troncos, rocas, árboles y adversarios que hay que saltar o esquivar. Los saltos sólo pueden realizarse en determinados puntos de cada circuito. Estos lugares tienen una rampa que recorre el ancho de la vía. Los jugadores deben hacer un "wheelie" al llegar a la rampa, y la moto saldrá propulsada por los aires. Si la moto no está en wheelie, se cruzará la rampa pero la moto aterrizará sobre la rueda delantera y se estrellará.
Français Enduro Racer est un jeu de course tout terrain dans lequel le joueur pilote une moto cross à travers des circuits extrêmement vallonnés et tortueux. Chaque course est recouverte de bûches, rochers, arbres et d'adversaires qui doivent être sautés ou évités. Les sauts ne peuvent se faire qu'à certains endroits dans chaque circuit. Ces endroits comportent une rampe qui s'étend sur la largeur du circuit. Les joueurs doivent être en “wheelie” lorsque la rampe est atteinte, et la moto sera propulsée en l'air. Si la moto n'est pas en “wheelie”, la rampe sera franchie mais la moto atterrira sur la roue avant et s'écrasera. A moto ou en voiture, les adversaires rencontrés ne vous font pas de cadeau et chaque véhicule doublé rapporte des points convertibles en amélioration de votre moto.
Italien Enduro Racer è un gioco di corse fuoristrada in cui il giocatore guida una moto da cross attraverso percorsi estremamente collinari e tortuosi. Ogni corsa è coperta da tronchi, rocce, alberi e avversari che devono essere saltati o evitati. I salti possono essere effettuati solo in determinati punti di ciascun circuito. Queste postazioni sono dotate di una rampa che corre lungo la larghezza del binario. Quando si raggiunge la rampa, i giocatori devono fare una "impennata" e la moto viene spinta in aria. Se la moto non è in impennata, la rampa verrà attraversata ma la moto atterrerà sulla ruota anteriore e si schianterà. Che siate in moto o in auto, gli avversari che incontrerete non vi faranno alcun favore e ogni veicolo che supererete vi farà guadagnare punti che potranno essere convertiti in potenziamenti per la vostra moto.
Portugais Faça a contagem regressiva nessa aventura: três, ligue o motor; dois, prepare-se e um, largada. É uma corrida difícil e numa pista que nenhum profissional jamais enfrentou. Felizmente você está preparado com uma motocross "off road" e super veloz.

Todos os obstáculos (naturais e artificiais) como saltos, motos competidoras, farão de sua corrida uma aventura inigualável. Você tem apenas um objetivo: a linha de chegada.

Assim, dirija o mais rápido que puder: o relógio está contra você. Tome cuidado, pois, se cair, será difícil levantar, e você tem apenas uma moto para pilotar nessa pista trepidante.

Agora, engate as marchas, movimente as rodas e arranque para a vitória.
General Information
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .