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Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Wii - Console Nintendo
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Super Smash Bros. Brawl
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   Japon Dairantou Smash Brothers X
Monde Super Smash Bros. Brawl
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France 27/06/2008
USA 09/03/2008
Japon 31/01/2008
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Allemand Wii frei für die nächste Runde! In Super Smash Bros. Brawl liefern sich Nintendos beliebteste Charaktere fröhliche Raufereien. Actionfans dürfen sich doppelt freuen: Ihre Lieblingsfiguren lassen nicht nur auf ihre bewährt handfeste Art die Fetzen fliegen, sondern spendieren ihnen obendrein ein ganzes Paket an Neuerungen.Als Besonderheiten zu den verschiedenen Mehrspieler-Varianten kommen beispielsweise ein fesselnder Solo-Modus hinzu und dank der Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection auch noch spannende Online-Kämpfe gegen Wii-Freunde aus aller Welt. Zudem kann die illustre Riege der Kämpfer in vom Spieler selbst erstellten Arenen in den Ring steigen.Seit die beliebte Serie auf dem Nintendo 64 gestartet ist, geht es in Super Smash Bros.-Titeln immer um eines: Welcher Nintendo-Held ist der stärkste im ganzen Land? Um eine Antwort auf diese Frage wird in Super Smash. Bros. Brawl für Wii härter denn je gerungen. Denn die Teilnehmerliste ist enorm aufgestockt. 16 neue Charaktere, darunter bekannte Gesichter wie Solid Snake, Wario, Diddy Kong und Sonic, warten darauf, sich ins Getümmel zu stürzen. Insgesamt konkurrieren 35 Figuren um den Sieg. Da müssen die Wii-Spieler die verschiedenen Kampfstile schon genau beherrschen, um am Ende die Oberhand zu behalten.
Anglais Welcome to a brawl for the ages, where anything can happen, anyone can show up and all bets are off.Game storyline: In multiplayer games, characters from all Nintendo universes meet up in Nintendo locales to duke it out. In the solo mode called "The Subspace Emissary," the world of Smash Bros. is invaded by an entity called the Ancient Minister and his army of creatures, called "The Primid." Normally, characters come alive in the world of Smash Bros. to do battle, then turn back into trophies when defeated. However, the Ancient Minister starts turning characters into trophies to harness their power, then detonates bombs that suck pieces of the world back into his realm of Subspace. Eventually, all the characters must work together to defeat the invading creatures from Subspace - this is accomplished by playing through side-scrolling levels.How to progress through the game: For multiplayer games, players pick characters, set rules and locations for where they want to play and then duke it out. In Solo Mode, characters play through a long, side-scrolling adventure, beating up enemies along the way as they watch short cinematics starring their favorite characters.Characters: Mario, Samus, Bowser, Donkey Kong, Solid Snake, Meta Knight, Kirby, Pikachu, Zero Suit Samus, Link, Zelda, Pit and Wario, to name just a few. Anyone and anything from a Nintendo universe could appear in this game in one form or another.Special powers/weapons/moves/features: Anything from a Nintendo game could conceivably be in this game, whether it's a musical score, an obscure item or a character that shows up to help the fighters. Super Smash Bros. Brawl is eminently customizable, so players can choose the frequency of items appearing, adjust musical scores and basically play the game however they'd like. Items range from baseball bats to proximity mines to Poké Balls to Assist Trophies, which spawn characters like Hammer Bros. and Sim City's Dr. Wright to attack others.Super Smash Brawl Tournament WinnersLA Region Winner - David SegalSF Region Winner - Jason CaroMA Region Winner - Daniel JungNY Region Winner - Jensen SantiagoTournament National ChampionDaniel Jung * This action-packed fighting game features a ridiculous number of characters that have appeared on Nintendo platforms, from Mario to Link to Pikachu ... to Solid Snake! As they square off in famous locales drawn from the rich history of Nintendo, literally anything can happen - and usually does. With limitless customizing options, items and weapons that boggle the mind and a wealth of modes, this game has truly infinite replayability. * Super Smash Bros. Brawl features a sprawling adventure mode called "The Subspace Emissary" that's a full game in and of itself. Players jump and brawl their way through enemy-packed side-scrolling levels, meeting up with other characters, watching incredible cinematics and taking on massive bosses. * For the first time, this celebrated series is going Wi-Fi, allowing up to four players to brawl, no matter where they may be.
Espagnol ¡Los personajes más conocidos del mundo de los videojuegos se dan cita en el Smash definitivo para conseguir la gloria! ¡Experimenta la acción frenética que hará que saltes del sofá con la nueva entrega de la serie Super Smash Bros. y redefine lo que hasta ahora conocías como caos!
Français Super Smash Bros. Brawl sur Wii est un jeu de combat en arènes dans lesquelles s'affrontent un grand nombre de personnages issus du monde de Nintendo, allant de Link à Pikachu, en passant par quelques invités : Snake de la saga Metal Gear et Sonic. De nombreux modes en solo sont disponibles avec leurs variantes. Le jeu offre également un mode multijoueur dans lequel on peut s'affronter en ligne mais également échanger les arènes que l'on a créées de ses propres mains via l'éditeur de niveaux.
Portugais Em um mundo onde troféus ganham vidas, lutas ocorrem. As lutas são a razão da existência destes. Quando alguém quebra as regras, o mundo pagará caro por isso.[60] Em uma arena de batalha, Mario e Kirby lutam entre si, sendo assistidos pelas princesas Zelda e Peach Toadstool. Dependendo do vencedor, o outro fará com que o derrotado volte a viver. Porém, uma nave aparece ao longe, trazendo o The Subspace Army junto de seu líder, o Antigo Ministro.Com ele trazem Shadow Bugs,pequenas esferas que Tabuu conseguiu extraindo uma essência do corpo de Mr. Game And Watch.Após isso aparece Petey Piranha que instantaneamente nocauteia Mario o mandando para muito longe, Kirby enfrenta o gigante Petey Piranha para libertar Zelda ou Peach. Quando salva uma, a outra é transformada em troféu por Wario e é capturada. O Antigo Ministro, usando a Bomba do Submundo, explode a arena, fazendo-a ser engolida pela escuridão. Kirby e a princesa fogem, enquanto o enviado da Deusa Palutena, Pit, sai de seu palácio para combater o The Subspace Army. Durante sua jornada nas nuvens, Pit alia-se a Mario.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .