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Fire Emblem - Radiant Dawn
Fire Emblem - Radiant Dawn - Wii - Console Nintendo
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General Information
Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
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Fire Emblem - Radiant Dawn
Game name (by Region)
Regions Information Proposed by
   Japon Fire Emblem Akatsuki no Megami
Continent Américain
   USA Fire Emblem : Radiant Dawn
Europe Fire Emblem : Radiant Dawn
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JV:+12 ans
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Tactical RPG
Role Playing Game
Release date(s)
Regions Information Proposed by
USA 05/11/2007
Japon 22/02/2007
Europe 14/03/2008
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Allemand Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, ein packendes neues Strategiespiel für Wii mit Fantasy- und Rollenspiel-Elementen. In dem rundenbasierten Sequel des beliebten GameCube-Titels Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance gilt es, die Invasoren des Landes Daein zurückzuschlagen. Dazu sind Planung, perfekte Angriffe und strategische Fähigkeiten ebenso gefragt wie etwas Glück und Magie. Kämpfe für ein besseres Morgen! Befehlige die Kämpfer im Bund der Morgenröte und befreie mit deiner Strategie ihr Heimatland. Stelle eine Armee zusammen, die zu deiner Taktik passt! Greife mit Leonards Bogen aus der Ferne an oder zeige dem Gegner die Schärfe von Edwards Klinge! Lasse deine Verbündeten Freundschaften schließen, um so ihre Stärke aufzubauen. Aber pass auf deine Soldaten auf! Wenn sie in der Schlacht fallen, sind sie für immer verloren!
Anglais The sequel to 2005 s Path of Radiance and the tenth game in the Fire Emblem series, Radiant Dawn takes place three years after the defeat of the Daein kingdom by Crimea.

Unlike other Wii games, the main method of control is either through the classic controller or GameCube controller, since the action is wholly turn-based tactical combat, largely the same as the previous nine games. The game consists of 44 chapters and uses the same engine as Path of Radiance. There are three new weapon and magic types: Knife, Dark Magic and Strike.

The player must lead a band of heroes against the Begnion Empire s oppression of the defeated Daein, along with help from many of the heroes from Path of Radiance. The members of the Dawn group are the main heroes of the game, with a major role for Sothe, who was a child thief from the previous Fire Emblem game.
Espagnol Un grupo de jóvenes revolucionarios, decididos a liberar Daein del yugo de Begnion, forma la Brigada del Alba con el objetivo de luchar por la libertad y salvar a sus compatriotas. Pero su pequeño acto de rebelión desencadenará una serie de acontecimientos que sacudirán el continente entero...
Français Le continent de Tellius a été secoué par le combat entre Crimea et Daein. Trois ans plus tard, la victorieuse Crimea a débuté la remise en état de ses terres, sous les ordres de sa nouvelle Reine Orpheline : Elincia.
Quant à Daein, nation vaincue, elle est mise sous le contrôle de l'empire de Begnion. Mais les habitants de l'ancien royaume sont troublés par l'oppression de la garnison impériale de Begnion et vivent maintenant dans le désespoir et la terreur.
Afin de remédier à cette situation et pour sauver la vie de nombreux citoyens de Daein, un petit groupe de guerriers appelé la Brigade de l'Aube se soulève dans la capitale, Nevassa. Leurs actes sont en passe de secouer le continent entier.
Italien Il continente di Tellius è stato scosso dalla battaglia tra Crimea e Daein. Tre anni dopo, la Crimea vittoriosa ha iniziato a ripristinare le sue terre, sotto gli ordini della sua nuova regina orfana: Elincia.
La nazione sconfitta di Daein è ora sotto il controllo dell'Impero di Begnion. Ma gli abitanti dell'ex regno sono tormentati dall'oppressione della guarnigione imperiale di Begnion e vivono ormai nella disperazione e nel terrore.
Per porre rimedio a questa situazione e salvare la vita di molti cittadini di Daein, un piccolo gruppo di guerrieri chiamato Brigata dell'Alba si solleva nella capitale, Nevassa. Le loro azioni sono destinate a scuotere l'intero continente.
Portugais O continente de Tellius foi abalado pela batalha entre Crimeia e Daein. Três anos depois, a vitoriosa Crimeia começou a restaurar as suas terras, sob as ordens da sua nova Rainha Órfã: Elincia.
A nação derrotada de Daein está agora sob o controlo do Império Begnion. Mas os habitantes do antigo reino estão perturbados pela opressão da guarnição imperial de Begnion e vivem agora em desespero e terror.
Para remediar esta situação e salvar a vida de muitos dos cidadãos de Daein, um pequeno grupo de guerreiros chamado Brigada da Alvorada ergue-se na capital, Nevassa. As suas acções vão abalar todo o continente.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .