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Patlabor The Mobile Police - Dai 2 Shoutai Shutsudou Seyo!
Patlabor The Mobile Police - Dai 2 Shoutai Shutsudou Seyo! - Family Computer Disk System - Console Nintendo
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Patlabor The Mobile Police - Dai 2 Shoutai Shutsudou Seyo!
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   Japon Patlabor : The Mobile Police, Dai 2 Shoutai Shutsudou Seyo!
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Advance Communication Company
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Shooter / FPV
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Japon 24/01/1989
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Allemand In der Zukunft werden durch die rasant fortschreitende Technologie riesige Roboter entstehen, die als „Labs“ bekannt sind und nach ihrer Nützlichkeit in der Schwerindustrie benannt sind. Allerdings führt dies auch zu „Verbrechen am Arbeitsplatz“, was die Notwendigkeit einer neuen Abteilung der Strafverfolgung mit sich bringt, die speziell für die Polizeiarbeit ausgestattet ist. Als Izumi Noa, eine Polizistin, die neue Rekrutin der Special Vecicals Devision 2 wird, werden sie und ihr Anführer, die „Labor Patrolmen“, Alphonse, in eine Reihe von Abenteuern hineingezogen, in denen verrückte Bauarbeiter, Ökoterroristen und Seeungeheuer die Hauptrolle spielen.
Anglais Patlabor - The Mobile Police - Dai 2 Shoutai Shutsudou Seyo is an action-platformer-shooter game from Bandai and yet another licensed game from the publishing giant. In this case, it is an adaptation of the anime and manga of the same name.

Patlabor is a portmanteau of "patrol" and "labor", with labor being the common name for technologically advanced mechanical walkers used by various construction companies to perform heavy-duty work that a human wouldn't be capable of achieving on their own. Because more and more of these labors are being hijacked by criminals, an equally powerful force of police-issued labors are commissioned and manned by members of the police force. The show follows Section 2 of the Mobile Police Patlabor division in particular.

The game is divided between side-scrolling platformer/run-and-gun levels and first-person shooter modes in which the player character, in their patlabor, must keep the peace by subduing criminals and other villains, some of which have their own labors.
Espagnol En el futuro, la tecnología que avanza rápidamente da origen a robots gigantes conocidos como "Laboratorios", llamados así por su utilidad en la industria pesada. Sin embargo, esto también da lugar a "crímenes laborales", lo que resulta en la necesidad de una nueva rama de la aplicación de la ley equipada y dedicada a la vigilancia de los trabajos. Cuando Izumi Noa, una oficial de policía, se convierte en la nueva recluta de Vecicals Especiales Devision 2, ella y su líder, "Patrulleros Laboristas", Alphonse son arrastrados a una serie de aventuras protagonizadas por trabajadores de la construcción enloquecidos, eco-terroristas y monstruos marinos.
Français Un jeu d'action plateforme adaptation de l'anime du même nom.
Le jeu est divisé entre des niveaux de jeu de plateforme/run-et-gun et des niveaux en mode tir à la première personne dans lequel le joueur, dans leur Patlabor, doit vaincre les criminels et les autres méchants, dont certains ont leurs propres Patlabor.
Italien Patlabor - The Mobile Police - Dai 2 Shoutai Shutsudou Seyo è un gioco sparatutto platform d'azione di Bandai e un altro gioco con licenza del gigante editoriale. In questo caso, si tratta di un adattamento dell'anime e del manga con lo stesso nome.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .