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Micro Machines
Micro Machines - Master System - Console SEGA
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Micro Machines
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Europe Micro Machines
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Racing, Driving
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Regions Information Proposed by
Europe 1993
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Allemand Ein fesselndes Rennen von Miniaturfahrzeugen. Der Spieler steuert Speedboote in einer Badewanne, Autos auf Billardtischen und mehr. Das Rennen wird von oben gesehen, und um die Gegner zu überholen, müssen Sie Hindernissen wie Bleistiften und Schrauben ausweichen. Allein die Strecken sind schon ziemlich cool, und die tolle Steuerung rundet das Paket ab.
Anglais If you're bored of racing Formula 1 cars, rally cars or MotoGP bikes in their natural habitats, the Micro Machines series could be for you. It involves racing miniatures representing particular vehicle types across a particular terrain found around the house. The Sports Cars race on the desktop, 4x4s in the sandpit, Formula 1 cars on a snooker table, and so on.

These levels were packed with variation. The Snooker tables has the track painted on, although this is open to deviation (as are most levels), and had you racing through the pockets and across the rim of the table. Tanks raced as well, with the chance of shooting out your opponent if they got directly in front of you. The desktop levels include binders to jump across, pencil-sharpeners to avoid, and lots of visual jokes in the open homework.

Viewed from overhead with small graphics, the races include up to 4 cars. In one player challenge mode you race through the 21 tracks in a set order, selecting your 3 opponents as you go along (adding a fair amount of strategy - ideally you should aim to eliminate the better CPU cars early on), eliminating one after every third race (assuming that you can finish in the top 2 of a race within your 3 lives). If you win 3 races in a row without using a continue you get a time-trial race which can earn you an extra life.

The real innovation of the game was in the multiplayer modes. You started with 4 points each, and when one car gets far enough ahead to force the other car off-screen, the slider moves in their favour. Once it reached the end (which involved beating them 4 times more than they beat you) you win the level, although if 3 laps were completed, the person leading at that point is declared the winner - with a sudden death play off if scores are level. 9 of the tracks are available in this mode, although you can also play this Head to Head system as a 1-player game across all the tracks.
Espagnol Esto es un caos en miniatura! Corre en bólidos, chóppers y lanchas! Recorre como una bala las mini pistas a escala espectacular. Eres capaz de conducir sobre rutas llenas de hoyos de arena, mesas de billar y pupitres de escuela! Es excellente!
Français MicroMachines sur Master System vous propose de diriger les petits véhicules de la marque, dans des courses fun et variées au beau milieu d'une baignoire, d'un bureau, ou d'une table à manger. Les courses incluant jusqu'à 4 concurrents. Si l'un d'eux tombe du circuit où se fait trop distancer, il perd un point.
Italien Una corsa accattivante di veicoli in miniatura. Il giocatore guida motoscafi in una vasca da bagno, macchine sui tavoli da biliardo e altro ancora. La corsa è vista dall'alto, e per superare gli avversari dovrai evitare ostacoli come matite e viti. Le tracce da sole sono piuttosto interessanti e gli ottimi controlli completano il pacchetto.
Portugais Uma cativante corrida de veículos em miniatura. O jogador pilota lanchas dentro de uma banheira, carros em mesas de sinuca e muito mais. A prova é vista de cima, e para chegar à frente dos adversários será preciso evitar obstáculos como lápis e parafusos. Só as pistas já são bem bacanas, e os ótimos controles completam o pacote.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .