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T2 - The Arcade Game
T2 - The Arcade Game - Master System - Console SEGA
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T2 - The Arcade Game
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Europe T2 : The Arcade Game
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Lightgun Shooter
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Europe 1993
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Allemand Kämpfe dich in diesem Railshooter als umprogrammierter Kampfroboter durch sieben Level mit Horden von Terminatoren. Zur Seite stehen dir eine Maschinenpistole als Hauptwaffe mit unbegrenzter Munition sowie eine Zweitwaffe - Raketenwerfer in der Zukunft, Schrotflinte in der Gegenwart - mit begrenzter Munition, dafür aber mit mehr Wumms.

T2: The Arcade Game ist ein Heimkonsolenport des Automatenspiels, basierend auf den Film Terminator 2: Tag der Abrechnung.
Anglais As the title states, this is the home conversion of the arcade rail-shooter based on the film Terminator 2: Judgement Day. Up to two players shoot through future and present levels as robotic killers reprogrammed to serve the human resistance.

Both players wield a machine gun with infinite ammo that lowers its firing rate (overheats) as it is continuously fired. A secondary weapon (missile launchers in the future, shotguns in the present) has limited ammo but deals heavy damage. Powerups inside the game world include secondary weapon ammo and coolant for the machine guns, and are shot to be collected.

T2: The Arcade Game features seven levels based on specific scenes or general concepts in the film. The first four levels act as a prelude, as the player guns down waves of metal Terminators across a post-apocalyptic Battlefield, a besieged Human Hideout, and through the security checkpoints of the enemy supercomputer SkyNet. After destroying the computer, players travel back in time to protect John and Sarah Connor, while also destroying every scrap of SkyNet research at the headquarters of its manufacturer. From there, players must fend off the indestructible T-1000 until the final showdown in the Steel Mill.

Assets from the movie are used when possible, such as voice clips from Arnold Schwarzenegger, and close-up digital stills of Robert Patrick for the final battle against the T-1000. The Genesis and SNES versions also support lightguns (the Menacer and Super Scope, respectively).
Espagnol El numero uno entre los juegos de arcade 'a la caza de...' hace una incursion en Master System?'. Eres un Terminator T-800 con un arsenal impresionante: ametralladoras de repetición, pistolas, misiles y un lanzagranadas M-79. ¡Destroza endoesqueletos y Helicópteros HK! ¡Acaba con el metal líquido del T-1000... o estás acabado!
Français T2 : The Arcade Game sur Master System est un jeu de tir basé sur l'univers de la saga Terminator. Seul ou à deux joueurs, tirez sur les cyborgs et autres créatures jusqu'à l'affrontement final face au redoutable T-1000.
Italien T2: The Arcade Game su Master System è uno sparatutto basato sull'universo della saga di Terminator. Da solo o con due giocatori, spara ai cyborg e ad altre creature fino allo scontro finale contro il temuto T-1000.
Portugais Jogo de tiro baseado no filme O Exterminador do Futuro 2 - O Julgamento Final. O jogador controla a mira na tela e atravessa fases no presente e em um futuro apocalíptico, abrindo fogo contra os robôs inimigos. A munição comum é infinita, mas a arma superaquece, portanto seja econômico nos disparos. Cuidado também para não atingir os humanos! Apenas para um jogador e não é compatível com a pistola Light Phaser.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .