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Space Gun
Space Gun - Master System - Console SEGA
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Space Gun
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Europe Space Gun
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Lightgun Shooter
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Regions Information Proposed by
Europe 1992
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Allemand Space Gun auf dem Master System ist ein Actionspiel, das im Jahr 2039 im Weltraum spielt. Die ersten Begegnungen mit Außerirdischen verliefen nicht besonders friedlich. Die Außerirdischen griffen Menschen, die ihnen in Frieden begegnen wollten, schamlos an. Sie führen ein Rettungsteam und müssen den Überlebenden helfen, während Sie jede Form von außerirdischer Bedrohung auslöschen.
Anglais 2039 A.D. Man begins deep space exploration in search of new life forms and usable fuel sources. What he discovers is trouble.

Until now, the success of past explorations was causing the space effort to grow by leaps and bounds. Until now, the explorers had found little more than fungus and small insects as alternative
lifeforms. Until now, the chief dangers had been
those posed by the hostile environment of space. Until now, the aliens had not known about THEM.

On the ragged edge of the galaxy, other creatures that roam the stars discover humans and spaceships to be excellent sources of food and other resources. Prepared at the worst for clashes with rival exploration teams, the human crews can do little to
defend themselves as wave upon wave of nightmare
creatures descend upon their ships and bases.

In response to their distress calls, the Federation has assembled a series of rescue teams, lead by their best military sharpshooters, to deal with the alien menace. As the leader of one of these teams, you must gun down the intruders and pick up the human survivors. Brave the maze of dark corridors that may lead to a deadly shootout between you and legions of monsters. Pick up survivors and extra ammo on the way.
Espagnol Desde un nave espacial averiada en el extremo de la galaxia llega un grito de socorro. Monstruos horribles se han apoderado de ella y usted ha sido designado para salvar a lo que quede de su tripulación humana. Elija su camino por pasillos oscuros y lugares mortales donde la acción no cesa.
Français Space Gun sur Master System est un jeu d'action se déroulant dans l'espace, en 2039. Les premières rencontres avec les extraterrestres n'ont pas été spécialement pacifiques, les aliens attaquant sans vergogne les humains venus en paix à leur rencontre. Vous dirigez une équipe de sauvetage et devez venir en aide aux survivants, tout en éradiquant toute forme de menace extraterrestre.
Italien Space Gun su Master System è un gioco d'azione ambientato nello spazio, ambientato nel 2039. I primi incontri con gli extraterrestri non furono particolarmente pacifici, con gli alieni che attaccavano spudoratamente gli umani che erano venuti in pace per incontrarli. Guidi una squadra di soccorso e devi venire in aiuto dei sopravvissuti, sradicando ogni forma di minaccia aliena.
Portugais O jogador está investigando uma nave à deriva no espaço quando é atacado por uma raça de horríveis alienígenas. Space Gun é um jogo de tiro com ambientação típica de filmes de ficção científica como Alien. As criaturas são bem desenhadas, a música ajuda a criar um clima e há boas artes tanto na tela de abertura quanto entre as fases. Começando o jogo pelo controle 2 é possível jogar sem a pistola.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .