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Blue's Clues - Blue's Art Time Activities
Blue's Clues - Blue's Art Time Activities - ScummVM - Machine Virtuelle
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Blue's Clues - Blue's Art Time Activities
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Adventure / Point and Click
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Monde 28/03/2000
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Allemand In Blue's Art Time Activities - basierend auf der Kinderfernsehserie Blue's Clues - laden Blue und ihr menschlicher Freund Steve den Spieler ein, sich ihnen anzuschließen, während sie sich auf die Really Big Art Show in Blues Schule vorbereiten. Mit der Hilfe anderer Charaktere aus der Serie wird der Spieler zahlreiche Stücke zusammenbauen und verschönern, die in der Kunstshow ausgestellt werden, und dabei einige Grundlagen der Kunst wie Farbmischung, Formen, Texturen und Primärfarben lernen. Jede Aktivität ermöglicht es dem Spieler, mehrere Stücke zu erstellen und in Blues Portfolio zu behalten.
Anglais In Blue's Art Time Activities - based on the children's television series Blue's Clues - Blue and her human friend Steve invite the player to join them as they prepare for the Really Big Art Show at Blue's school. With the help of some other characters from the series, the player will assemble and embellish many pieces to be displayed in the art show while learning some art basics such as color-mixing, shapes, textures, and primary colors. Each activity allows the player to create and save several pieces in Blue's portfolio.The player is provided with a checklist inside the portfolio, showing the characters to assist and activities to be finished before the Art Show may commence:

Help Periwinkle illustrate her storybook using crayons and stickers
Create an invitation to the Really Big Art Show with Marky Marker
Find some recyclable pieces for Al Luminum and assemble a diorama using a blueprint
Mix colors to advance through a hopscotch board game
Put together shapes to create a mural and story with Chalk Girl - watch it animate

Once all the activities have been finished, the player is ready to participate in the Art Show and select his favorite art piece to award a ribbon to.Blue's Art Time Activities uses a point-and-click and click-and-drag method as in other Blue's Clues games and allows the player to print his completed pieces; an option that can be turned off by a parent. The game is intended for the 3 - 6 year-old, complementing a preschool artistic curriculum as well as providing creative free play.
Espagnol En "Blue's Art Time Activities", basado en la serie de televisión infantil "Blue's Clues", Blue y su amigo humano Steve invitan al jugador a unirse a ellos mientras se preparan para la Gran Exhibición de Arte en la escuela de Blue. Con la ayuda de otros personajes de la serie, el jugador reunirá y decorará muchas piezas que se mostrarán en la exhibición de arte, al mismo tiempo que aprenderá conceptos básicos de arte como la mezcla de colores, formas, texturas y colores primarios. Cada actividad permite al jugador crear y guardar varias piezas en el portafolio de Blue.

El jugador cuenta con una lista de verificación dentro del portafolio, que muestra los personajes que le ayudarán y las actividades que deben completarse antes de que la Exhibición de Arte pueda comenzar: Ayuda a Periwinkle a ilustrar su libro de cuentos usando crayones y calcomanías. Crea una invitación para la Gran Exhibición de Arte con Marky Marker. Encuentra piezas reciclables para Al Luminum y arma un diorama siguiendo un plano. Mezcla colores para avanzar en un juego de rayuela. Une formas para crear un mural y una historia con Chalk Girl, ¡y mira cómo cobra vida!
Français Dans Blue's Art Time Activities - basé sur la série télévisée pour enfants Blue's Clues - Blue et son ami humain Steve invitent le joueur à les rejoindre alors qu'ils se préparent pour le Really Big Art Show à l'école de Blue. Avec l'aide d'autres personnages de la série, le joueur assemblera et embellira de nombreuses pièces qui seront exposées dans l'émission d'art tout en apprenant quelques bases de l'art telles que le mélange des couleurs, les formes, les textures et les couleurs primaires. Chaque activité permet au joueur de créer et de conserver plusieurs pièces dans le portfolio de Blue.
Italien In Blue's Art Time Activities - basato sulla serie televisiva per bambini Blue's Clues - Blue e il suo amico umano Steve invitano il giocatore ad unirsi a loro mentre si preparano per il Really Big Art Show alla scuola di Blue. Con l'aiuto di altri personaggi della serie, il giocatore assemblerà e abbellirà molti pezzi che saranno esposti nella mostra d'arte mentre apprende alcune basi dell'arte come mescolare colori, forme, trame e colori primari. Ogni attività consente al giocatore di creare e conservare più pezzi nel portfolio di Blue.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .