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Eye Of The Beholder
Eye Of The Beholder - ScummVM - Machine Virtuelle
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General Information
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Eye Of The Beholder
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Monde Eye Of The Beholder
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Role Playing Game
Dungeon Crawler RPG
Adventure / Point and Click
Release date(s)
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USA 1990
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Allemand In der Kanalisation von Waterdeep (in deutschsprachigen Büchern sonst "Tiefwasser" genannt) geschehen seltsame Dinge, und so beschließen die Oberen der Stadt - allen voran Piergeiron Paladinssohn, Fürst von Waterdeep - vier Abenteurer hinzuschicken, damit diese nachsehen können, was dort vor sich geht. Kaum haben die Abenteurer die Kanalisation betreten, lässt eine unbekannte Macht den Eingang einstürzen. So bleibt der Gruppe nur die Möglichkeit, einen anderen Weg zu finden. Dabei stellen die Abenteurer fest, dass die Kanalisation nur ein kleiner Teil eines viel größeren Dungeon-Systems ist.
Anglais Jurri the Rogue fingers his lockpicks and deftly slips one into the lock. It's trapped, but Jurri is skilled... with a soft click, the trap is disarmed. The door creaks open, revealing a dimly lit corridor.
Without warning, skeletons leap from the shadows and slash at the party! Swords flash, spells sizzle, then... all is quiet, and the corridor is littered with bones.
Legend has it there's a criminal conspiracy hiding in the Waterdeep sewers. Is this true? These locks and traps are too good, and someone sent those skeletons. Well, if someone's hiding down here, we're going to find them... and destroy them!
So begins the quest that heralds the first graphically based AD&D® computer fantasy role-playing saga - the Legend Series!
In Eye of the Beholder, you control four PCs and two NPCs of six character races and six character classes. You and your party may aspire to become High Priests, Lords, Paladins, Ranger Lords, Wizards and Master Thieves!
Easy to use "point-and-click" commands and 3-D point of view create that "you are there" feeling!
Experience AD&D® computer fantasy role-playing like never before as you and your party of adventures explore the dark, slimy underside of Waterdeep!
Espagnol Algo oscuro acecha bajo las calles de Waterdeep. El consejo de la ciudad decide reunir a un grupo de aventureros y enviarles a las alcantarillas para que investiguen el origen de este mal, y al poco de entrar, estos se ven atrapados en el subsuelo por un derrumbe. Adentrándose cada vez más en la tierra, los aventureros deberán enfrentarse a numerosos peligros hasta acabar con la amenaza, y salir vivos de allí.
Français Eye of the Beholder est un jeu de rôle consistant en l'exploration de souterrains infestés de créatures maléfiques. Le scénario démarre alors que la ville d'Eauprofonde connaît des problèmes d'égouts infestés de créatures en tout genre. Le prince de la cité fait appel à quatre valeureux héros pour enquêter sur ce mystère. La progression du jeu consiste en l'exploration de souterrains de plus en plus profonds.
Italien Eye of the Beholder è un gioco di ruolo che coinvolge l'esplorazione di dungeon infestati da creature malvagie. Lo scenario inizia quando la città di Waterdeep sta vivendo problemi di fognatura infestati da creature di ogni tipo. Il principe della città chiama quattro coraggiosi eroi per indagare su questo mistero. La progressione del gioco consiste nell'esplorare sotterranei sempre più profondi.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .