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Flintstones, The
Flintstones, The - Megadrive - Console SEGA
General Information
General Information
Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
Information Proposed by
Flintstones, The
Game name (by Region)
Regions Information Proposed by
   Japon The Flintstones
Continent Américain
   USA The Flintstones
Europe The Flintstones
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Number of Players
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Release date(s)
Regions Information Proposed by
France 1993
USA 22/10/1993
Japon 19/11/1993
Europe 01/06/1993
Additional information
Play Mode(s)
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The Flintstones
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Série TV
Languages Information Proposed by
Allemand Es handelt sich hier um einen Platformer, basierend auf der berühmten "Flintstones"-Serie. Das Spiel bietet viele der originalen Seriencharaktere dar, wiez.B. Fred, Wilma, Barney, und Andere. Statt der üblichen "Rettet die Prinzessin" , oder "Befreit die Welt" - Szenarien baut "The Flintstones" auf kleinen Quests auf : Fred muß z.B. einen verlorenen Gegenstand wiederbeschaffen, u.s.w. Die großen Level sind in kleinere Etappen unterteilt. Am Ende jeden Levels gilt es, einen Bosskampf zu bewältigen. Das gameplay besteht im Wesentlichen darin, rumzuspringen und Feinde mit einem Knüppel auf dem Kopf zu hauen. Die Gesundheit wird durch Herzen dargestellt. Während des Spiels wird Fred auf viele nützliche Gegenstände stoßen, mitunter welchen, die seinen Gesundheitszustand permanent verbessern.
Anglais This is a platform game based on the famous Flintstones series. The game features many original Flintstones characters, such as Fred, Wilma, Barney, and others. Instead of the usual "save the princess" or "liberate the world" kinds of a plot, "The Flintstones" is mainly based on small quests: Fred has to retrieve a lost item, etc. The large levels are divided into smaller stages. In the end of each level there is a boss battle. The gameplay involves mostly jumping and hitting the enemies on the heads with a club. The health is measured by hearts. During the game Fred will find many useful items, including some that will increase his health level.
Espagnol Este es un juego de plataforma basado en la famosa serie Flintstones. El juego presenta muchos personajes originales de Flintstones, como Fred, Wilma, Barney y otros. En lugar de los personajes habituales tipo "salvar a la princesa" o "liberar al mundo", "Los Picapiedra" se basa principalmente en pequeñas misiones: Fred tiene que recuperar un objeto perdido, etc. Los niveles grandes se dividen en etapas más pequeñas. Al final de cada nivel hay una batalla entre jefes. El juego consiste principalmente en saltar y golpear a los enemigos en la cabeza con un palo. La salud es medida por corazones. Durante el juego, Fred encontrará muchos objetos útiles, incluidos algunos que aumentarán su nivel de salud.
Français Quand rien ne va plus à Bedrock, Fred Pierrafeu doit intervenir. Traversez les cieux sur un ptérodactyle, ne ménagez pas votre fidèle Flintmobile et montez dans le Dino Express! Servez-vous de votre gourdin pour repousser les monstres loufoques qui surgissent au cours de cette excellente aventure pleine d'humour!
Italien Quando a Bedrock le cose vanno male, sta a Fred Fhntstone meterle a posto. Volate nel cielo su uno pterodattilo, fate i duri alla guida della vostra fedele Flintmobile e balzate a bordo del Dino Express! Usate la clava per respingere i mostri sciocchi, in questa bella avventura dei cartoni animati!
Portugais Este é um jogo de plataforma baseado na famosa série Flintstones. O jogo apresenta muitos personagens originais dos Flintstones, como Fred, Wilma, Barney e outros. Em vez do habitual "salvar a princesa" ou "libertar o mundo", "The Flintstones" é principalmente baseado em pequenas missões: Fred tem que recuperar um item perdido, etc. Os grandes níveis são divididos em estágios menores. No final de cada nível, há uma batalha de chefe. A jogabilidade envolve principalmente saltar e acertar os inimigos na cabeça com um taco. A saúde é medida pelos corações. Durante o jogo, Fred encontrará muitos itens úteis, incluindo alguns que aumentarão seu nível de saúde.
General Information
Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .