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Star Trek - The Next Generation - Echoes From The Past
Star Trek - The Next Generation - Echoes From The Past - Megadrive - Console SEGA
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Star Trek - The Next Generation - Echoes From The Past
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Continent Américain
   USA Star Trek, The Next Generation : Echoes from the Past
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France 1994
USA 1994
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Star Trek
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Allemand Die Romulaner bitten um Erlaubnis, die Neutrale Zone betreten zu dürfen, um nach einem Team ihrer Forscher zu suchen, das angeblich verschwunden ist. Die USS Enterprise wird ausgesandt, um ihre Aktivitäten zu überwachen und ihre wahren Beweggründe herauszufinden.

Das Gameplay ist in drei Teile gegliedert: das Kommando über die Enterprise von der Brücke aus, die Steuerung eines Außenteams auf einer Planetenmission und der Kampf mit anderen Schiffen.
Anglais The Romulans request permission to enter the Neutral Zone in order to search for a team of their researchers that they claim has gone missing. The USS Enterprise is sent to monitor their activities and find out their real motives.

Gameplay is divided into three parts: commanding the Enterprise from the bridge, controlling an away team on a planetary mission and combat with other ships.

From the bridge you can control all of the ships main functions. Conn: Set course to a different planet or sector. Communication: Communicate: with other ships. Sensors: Receive information on your surroundings or planets you are orbiting. Computer: Access a database that contains lots of information on planets, races, technology, your crew etc. Engineering: If the Enterprise got damaged during combat, you can use this command to allocate resources to the different parts of the ship that need to be repaired. Briefing Room: Receive orders and information on your current mission. Tactical Station: Engage in combat. Transporter: Assemble an away team and beam it down to a planet (which is only possible if your current mission requires it).

Before starting an away mission, you have to assemble a team of four crew members that differ in strength and in tactical and technical ability. Some crew members also have special abilities, Dr. Crusher can heal other crew members, Geordi and Data can see in the dark and Data can survive without air. Away missions are shown from a top-down perspective and you can control each team member individually or order different members to follow your currently selected character around. Most away missions are a mixture of simple (real time) combat and puzzle solving that usually consists getting hints from tricorder readings and finding objects that have to be used in the correct way.

Ship battles are also seen from a top-down perspective and let you attack enemy ships with phasers and photon torpedoes, while keeping an eye or your shields and trying to dodge you enemy's torpedoes. If your ship too heavily damaged you can surrender and hope that your enemy spares you.

While the SNES and Genesis versions are essentially the same games, there are some noticeable differences. The Genesis version plays considerably faster during ship battles and on away missions as well as on the bridge (meaning it takes much less time to repair the ship). There are many graphical differences and the map layout for away missions is slightly different from the SNES version as well.
Espagnol Star Trek: The Next Generation - Echos from the Past es la adaptación en Megadrive de la segunda serie de Star Trek, subtitulada The New Generation y transmitida entre los años 80 y 90. Usted está al mando de USS Enterprise, dirigida por el capitán francés Jean-Luc Picard. Debes responder a las llamadas de auxilio de varias personas en los diferentes planetas del universo de Star Trek. Una vez en su destino, forma un equipo de cuatro para rescatar a las personas. Los romulanos solicitan permiso para ingresar a la Zona Neutral con el fin de buscar un equipo de sus investigadores que según ellos ha desaparecido. USS Enterprise se envía para supervisar sus actividades y descubrir sus verdaderos motivos. El juego se divide en tres partes: comandar Enterprise desde el puente, controlar un equipo de distancia en una misión planetaria y combatir con otras naves. Desde el puente puedes controlar todas las funciones principales de las naves.
Français Star Trek : The Next Generation - Echos from the Past est l'adaptation sur Megadrive de la deuxième série Star Trek, sous-titrée La Nouvelle Génération et diffusée entre les année 80 et 90. Vous êtes aux commandes de l'USS Enterprise, dirigé par le capitaine français Jean-Luc Picard. Vous devez répondre aux appels de détresse de plusieurs personnes sur les différentes planètes de l'univers Star Trek. Une fois arrivé à destination, vous formez une équipe de quatre pour secourir les personnes qui
Italien Star Trek: The Next Generation - Echos from the Past è l'adattamento Megadrive della seconda serie di Star Trek, sottotitolato The New Generation e trasmesso tra gli anni '80 e '90. Sei al comando della USS Enterprise, diretta dal capitano francese Jean-Luc Picard. Devi rispondere alle richieste di aiuto di varie persone sui diversi pianeti dell'universo di Star Trek. Una volta a destinazione, forma una squadra di quattro persone per salvare le persone. I Romulani chiedono il permesso di entrare nella Zona Neutrale per cercare una squadra dei loro investigatori che sostengono sia scomparsa. La USS Enterprise viene inviata per monitorare le loro attività e scoprire le loro vere motivazioni. Il gioco è diviso in tre parti: comandare l'Enterprise dal ponte, controllare una squadra a distanza in una missione planetaria e combattere con altre navi. Dalla plancia puoi controllare tutte le principali funzioni delle navi.
Portugais ESPAÇO... A ÚLTIMA FRONTEIRA. Passaram-se 85 anos desde a primeira geração da Jornada nas Estrelas. Uma nova geração surgiu, uma nova Enterprise, e um novo líder: Jean Luc Picard. Mas agora os problemas voltaram, com os ataques dos terríveis Romulanos. O Futuro da Federação... e do Universo... dependem de você! Comande todos os departamentos da Enterprise e conheça muitos alienígenas, planetas e espaçonaves pacíficas ou não! Enfrente as mais incríveis batalhas espaciais ao encontrar os inimigos na zona neutra, e destrua-os com armas super modernas. Resolva grandes mistérios com a ajuda dos equipamentos e da tripulação. Se você conseguir, a Federação estará salva. Se você falhar, o Universo nunca mais será o mesmo...
General Information
Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .