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Bill Walsh College Football
Bill Walsh College Football - Mega-CD - Console SEGA
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Bill Walsh College Football
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Continent Américain
   USA Bill Walsh College Football
Europe Bill Walsh College Football
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Sports / Football
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USA 1993
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Allemand Das Spiel umfasst 24 College-Football-Teams aus der Saison 1993 und 24 aller College-Teams aller Zeiten seit 1978. Zu den Spielmodi gehören Exhibition, Playoffs und Alltime-Playoffs, und die SNES-Version hat auch einen elfwöchigen Saisonmodus mit der National Championship als oberstes Ziel.

Das Spielbuch besteht aus 56 Offensivspielen und 52 Defensivspielen.
In der Offensive können Running Backs tauchen, drehen und hürden. Auch das Passen wird dadurch gehandhabt, dass die Empfänger in ihren eigenen Boxen sind. In der Verteidigung können Verteidiger den Ballträger angreifen und die Hände heben, um Tritte zu blocken oder Pässe abzufangen.

Das Spiel bietet auch vier Wetterbedingungen (schön, windig, Regen und Schnee) und drei verschiedene Viertellängen (20, 40 und 60 Minuten).
Anglais The game features 24 college football teams from the 1993 season and 24 of the all-time college teams since 1978. Play modes include exhibition, playoffs and all-time playoffs and the SNES version also has an eleven week season mode.with the National Championship as the ultimate goal.

The playbook consists of 56 offensive plays and 52 defensive plays.
On offense, running backs can dive, spin and hurdle. Also, passing is dealt with by having the receivers in their own windowed boxes . When on defense, defenders can dive at the ball carrier, and raise hands to block kicks or intercept passes.

The game also features four weather conditions (fair, windy, rain and snow), and three different quarter lengths (20, 40 and 60 minutes).
Espagnol Este juego de fútbol americano cuenta con 24 equipos universitarios de la temporada 1993 y 24 de los equipos universitarios de todos los tiempos desde 1978. Los modos de juego incluyen exhibición, playoffs y playoffs de todos los tiempos. El libro de jugadas consta de 56 jugadas ofensivas y 52 jugadas defensivas. Con condiciones meteorológicas variables (viento, lluvia y nieve), y tres opciones en cuanto al tiempo que dura un cuarto.
Français Bill Walsh College Football est un jeu de football américain sur Mega-CD. Ce jeu s'intéresse particulièrement à la ligue étudiante très appréciée aux États-Unis. Choisissez parmi les équipes les plus prestigieuses et faites honneur à votre université. Le titre propose les 25 équipes de la saison 92 auxquelles viennent s'ajouter une sélection de 25 équipes de légendes (Pitt '80, Auburn '83, Florida '84, Brigham Young University Provo' 84, Texas '81, Notre Dame '88...).
Italien Il gioco presenta 24 squadre di college football della stagione 1993 e 24 delle squadre universitarie di tutti i tempi dal 1978. Le modalità di gioco includono esibizione, playoff e playoff di tutti i tempi e la versione SNES ha anche una modalità stagione di undici settimane. Con il Campionato Nazionale. come obiettivo finale.
Il playbook è composto da 56 giochi offensivi e 52 giochi difensivi.
In attacco, i running back possono tuffarsi, girare e ostacolare. Inoltre, il passaggio viene gestito avendo i ricevitori nelle loro scatole finestrate. In difesa, i difensori possono tuffarsi verso il portatore di palla e alzare le mani per bloccare i calci o intercettare i passaggi.
Il gioco presenta anche quattro condizioni meteorologiche (sereno, ventoso, pioggia e neve) e tre diverse lunghezze dei quarti (20, 40 e 60 minuti).
Portugais O jogo apresenta 24 times universitários de futebol da temporada de 1993 e 24 das equipes universitárias de todos os tempos desde 1978. Modos de jogo incluem exibição, playoffs e playoffs de todos os tempos.

As táticas consistem em 56 jogadas ofensivas e 52 jogadas defensivas.
Na ofensiva, os running backs podem mergulhar, girar e atropelar. Além disso, a passagem é tratada tendo os receptores em suas próprias caixas com janelas. Quando na defesa, os defensores podem mergulhar no suporte da bola e levantar as mãos para bloquear chutes ou interceptar passes.

O jogo também apresenta quatro condições meteorológicas (tempo bom, ventoso, chuvoso e neve) e três tempos de quartos diferentes (20, 40 e 60 minutos).
General Information
Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .