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Ecco - The Tides Of Time
Ecco - The Tides Of Time - Game Gear - Console Portable SEGA
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Game Name (internal ScreenScraper)
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Ecco - The Tides Of Time
Game name (by Region)
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   Japon Ecco the Dolphin II
Continent Américain
   USA Ecco : The Tides of Time
Europe Ecco : The Tides of Time
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Release date(s)
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USA 1995
Japon 03/02/1995
Europe 01/11/1994
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Allemand Der böse Vortex ist zurück und Ecco muß erneut ein gefährliches Abenteuer bestehen. Führen Sie Ecco mit Hilfe der schönen Trellia durch über 16 Level voller Unterwasser-Action und neuartige 3D-Level. Während Sie in gigantische, neue Welten vordringen, verwandelt sich Ecco in einen Fisch-Schwarm, eine Qualle und sogar in eine Seemöve.
Anglais The followup to Ecco the Dolphin, in which Ecco successfully destroyed the Vortex. Unfortunately, it turns out that the Vortex Queen followed it to the Earth and eventually destroyed the Asterite. All the world's oceans are threatened, and actually already doomed.

In order to restore the Asterite and finally defeat the Vortex Queen, Ecco will have to confront once again the tides of time, which have split into two possible futures, the regular one and the dark one dominated by the Vortex Queen.

Ecco: The Tides of Time features even better graphics than its predecessor, and introduces a new gameplay mode in which the camera follows the dolphin from behind instead of from the side.
Espagnol El malvado Vortex ha regresado y Ecco tiene que enfrentarse a una peligrosa aventura. Con ayuda de la hermosa Trellia guía a Ecco a través de más de 16 niveles de acción acuática incluyendo impresionantes escenas en 3D. ¡Observa como Ecco se convierte en un banco de peces, una medusa e incluso una gaviota mientras luchas en las mareas del tiempo!
Français Ecco : The Tides of Time sur Game Gear est la suite de la première aventure du courageux dauphin. L'océan est menacé par la Reine du Vortex et le cours du temps a été divisé en 2 futurs, l'un normal, et un autre où règnent les ténèbres instaurées par la Reine. Votre tâche consiste évidemment à rétablir le plus agréable des deux. La possibilité de se transformer en méduses ou en petits poissons-fourrage pour passer inaperçu a été ajoutée.
Italien Il malvagio Vortex è tornato ed Ecco deve affrontare una pericolosa avventura. Con l'aiuto della bellissima Trellia, guida Ecco attraverso più di 16 livelli di azione acquatica, incluse splendide scene 3D. Guarda Ecco trasformarsi in un banco di pesci, una medusa e persino un gabbiano mentre combatti contro le maree del tempo!
Portugais Ecco: The Tides of Time no Game Gear é a sequência da primeira aventura do valente golfinho. O oceano está ameaçado pela Rainha do Vórtice e o curso do tempo foi dividido em 2 futuros, um normal e outro onde reina a escuridão estabelecida pela Rainha. Obviamente, sua tarefa é restaurar o melhor dos dois. Adicionada a capacidade de se transformar em medusas ou pequenos peixes forrageiros para passar despercebidos.
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Licence Creative Commons licensed under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

General credits : Hereafter, sources 'Creative Commons' of information and media providers.
Infos : Community ScreenScraper. Wikipedia . Gamefaqs . jeuxvideo . gametronik . gametdb . mobygames . Boxes Texture : Community ScreenScraper . Community The Cover Project . Community gbatemp . Community Hyperspin . Southtown-Homebrew . 2D / 3D Boxes : Community ScreenScraper . Community Hyperspin . Community Emumovies . gametdb . flyers.arcade-museum.com . videos : Community ScreenScraper . Community Emumovies Screenshots / Marquees : ScreenScraper . Progetto Snaps . musee des jeux video .